英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 11:15:59



英 [ɪkˈstend]

美 [ɪkˈstɛnd]


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形容词: extendable 名词: extendibility 过去式: extended 过去分词: extended 现在分词: extending 第三人称单数: extends

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  • 伸展,伸;扩展;延伸;伸出
  • 扩大,扩展,扩充
  • 提供;给予
  • 延长,延伸;绵亘,连绵
  • 使竭尽全力
  • 达到
  • 延(期),延续,连续
  • 发挥(力量)
  • 拉长,拉开,使伸长
  • 扩大…的范围
  • 尽可能地伸开(身体某部)
  • 发出
  • 涉及(范围)
  • 展现
  • vt. & vi. 延伸,延长,延续 stretch out a part of one's body to be limit
  • vt. & vi. 扩大; 扩展; 达到 enlarge the scope of; increase
  • vt. 给予,提供,发出 offer; grant


1. extend one's limbs or muscles, or the entire body

e.g. Stretch your legs!
Extend your right arm above your head

Synonym: stretch

2. thrust or extend out

e.g. He held out his hand
point a finger
extend a hand
the bee exserted its sting

Synonym: exsertstretch output outhold outstretch forth

3. increase in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance

e.g. stretch the soup by adding some more cream
extend the casserole with a little rice

Synonym: stretch

4. continue or extend

e.g. The civil war carried into the neighboring province
The disease extended into the remote mountain provinces

Synonym: carry

5. lengthen in time
cause to be or last longer

e.g. We prolonged our stay
She extended her visit by another day
The meeting was drawn out until midnight

Synonym: prolongprotractdraw out

6. prolong the time allowed for payment of

e.g. extend the loan

7. extend in scope or range or area

e.g. The law was extended to all citizens
widen the range of applications
broaden your horizon
Extend your backyard

Synonym: widenbroaden

8. expand the influence of

e.g. The King extended his rule to the Eastern part of the continent

Synonym: expand

9. use to the utmost
exert vigorously or to full capacity

e.g. He really extended himself when he climbed Kilimanjaro
Don't strain your mind too much

Synonym: strain

10. open or straighten out

e.g. Can we extend the legs of this dining table?

11. cause to move at full gallop

e.g. Did you gallop the horse just now?

Synonym: gallop

12. extend or stretch out to a greater or the full length

e.g. Unfold the newspaper
stretch out that piece of cloth
extend the TV antenna

Synonym: unfoldstretchstretch out

13. offer verbally

e.g. extend my greetings
He offered his sympathy

Synonym: offer

14. make available

e.g. extend a loan
The bank offers a good deal on new mortgages

Synonym: offer

15. stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope
run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point

e.g. Service runs all the way to Cranbury
His knowledge doesn't go very far
My memory extends back to my fourth year of life
The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets

Synonym: rungopasslead

16. span an interval of distance, space or time

e.g. The war extended over five years
The period covered the turn of the century
My land extends over the hills on the horizon
This farm covers some 200 acres
The Archipelago continues for another 500 miles

Synonym: covercontinue

17. reach outward in space

e.g. The awning extends several feet over the sidewalk

Synonym: poke outreach out

1. 延伸;伸展
If you say that something, usually something large, extends for a particular distance or extends from one place to another, you are indicating its size or position.

e.g. The caves extend for some 18 kilometres...
e.g. The main stem will extend to around 12ft, if left to develop naturally...

2. 伸出;凸出
If an object extends from a surface or place, it sticks out from it.

e.g. A shelf of land extended from the escarpment.

3. 持续;延续
If an event or activity extends over a period of time, it continues for that time.


e.g. ...a playing career in first-class cricket that extended from 1894 to 1920...
e.g. The courses are based on a weekly two-hour class, extending over a period of 25 weeks.

4. 扩及;波及;包括
If something extends to a group of people, things, or activities, it includes or affects them.

e.g. The service also extends to wrapping and delivering gifts...
e.g. The talks will extend to the church, human rights groups and other social organizations...

5. 扩大;延长
If you extend something, you make it longer or bigger.

e.g. This year they have introduced three new products to extend their range...
e.g. The building was extended in 1500.

6. (设备、家具等)展开,伸展
If a piece of equipment or furniture extends, its length can be increased.


e.g. ... a table which extends to accommodate extra guests...
e.g. The table extends to 220cm.

7. 延长;使延期
If you extend something, you make it last longer than before or end at a later date.

e.g. They have extended the deadline by twenty-four hours.
e.g. ...an extended contract.

8. 扩大…的影响;扩展
If you extend something to other people or things, you make it include or affect more people or things.

e.g. It might be possible to extend the technique to other crop plants.

9. 伸展,伸出(手臂等)
If someone extends their hand, they stretch out their arm and hand to shake hands with someone.

e.g. The man extended his hand: 'I'm Chuck'.

1. extend的近义词

1. 延伸对象到另一对象:绘制填充的圆和环(DONUT)DR ---- 修改图像和其他对象的显示顺序(DRAWORDER)EL ---- 创建椭圆或椭圆弧(ELLIPSE)E ---- 从图形中删除对象(ERASE)X ---- 将组合对象分解为对象组件(EXPLODE)EX ---- 延伸对象到另一对象(EXTEND)

2. 扩展:4.2.2 扩展(extend) 扩展(extend)关系如下图所示,基础用例(Base)中定义有一至多个已命名的扩展点,扩展 关系是指将扩展用例(Extension)的事件流在一定的条件下按照相应的扩展点插入到基础用例(Base)中.对于包含关系而言,

3. 延长:对象5.4 平移(MOVE)选到的图形对象5.5 复制(COPY)选到的图形对象5.6 镜像(MIRROR)选到的图形对象5.7 按比例缩放(SCALE)选到的图形对象5.8 旋转(ROTATE)选到的图形对象5.12 修剪(TRIM)图形对象5.13 延长(EXTEND)图形对象5.14

4. extend:ext; 放下

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B:What is the deadline for submitting the quotation ?

A:We need it in our office by next Monday .

B:I think we‘ll able to make that .


A:Good .we can‘t extend the deadline .

    扩大或延长到… enlarge the scope of
    extend into sth

    The meeting extended late into the night.


    extend sth into sth

    The ancient Romans extended their empire into Asia.


    This country extends its power and influence into neighbouring countries.


  • A belt of rain extends across the mountains.
用作动词 (v.)
  • Elizabeth, whose august person had extended itself upon a huge..bed.

    出自:H. James
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • extend的基本意思是增加时间或空间的长度,尤指范围的扩大,如权力、种类、影响或适用性等。作此解时接名词或代词作宾语。
  • extend还可表示“给予(帮助、友谊等)”“表示(祝贺、欢迎等)”,作此解时可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。
  • 在美式英语中, extend可用于被动式。
Created with Highcharts 10.0.0词性常用度
extend, circulate, diffuse, disseminate, expand, propagate, radiate, spread
  • 这组词都有“延伸”“延长”“伸展”“展开”的意思。其区别是:
  • 1.spread指向四面八方扩大范围。
  • 2.circulate指无拘无束地或不间断地传播、散布到各处。例如:
  • She opened a window to allow the air to circulate.她打开窗户使空气流通。
  • 3.disseminate指到处传播思想、理论等。例如:
  • They use the press to disseminate right wing views.他们利用报刊来传播右翼观点。
  • 4.diffuse指光线、声音、气味等在空中传送或散布。例如:
  • Light diffused from the window.光从窗户射进来。
  • 5.extend指延展物体的长度、宽度,延伸或扩大某一事物,以及延长时间、期限等,也指伸开四肢或躯体。例如:
  • They extended the road for three more miles.他们把那条路又延长了三英里多。
  • The headmaster extended our holidays by a week.校长把我们的假期延长了一个星期。
  • 6.expand指扩大面积或体积,也指把合拢的东西放开(即三维)。例如:
  • This county has expanded its area under cultivation by more than 50,000 mu .该县扩大了50,000亩耕地。
  • Heat expands metals.热使金属膨胀。
  • He does exercises to expand his chest.他做体操扩胸。
  • 7.propagate通常指宣传某种信念、看法或传播某种言论,以使更多的人相信或参与。例如:
  • We should not only learn knowledge, but also propagate it.我们不仅应学习知识,而且应传播它。
  • The Greek civilization was propagated all over Europe.希腊文明传播至整个欧洲。
  • 8.radiate指从中心向四面八方散发,是技术用语,特指光或热的辐射。例如:
  • The sun radiates light and heat.太阳放射光和热。
  • The electric heater radiated warmth.电暖器散发出热量。
    • 高考真题例句

    • 考研真题例句

    高考真题例句 OG 1.extend

    Students should be able to extend the logic(逻辑)of each to their particular circumstance.



    考研真题例句 OG 1.extend

    The demand that rose in those societies for entry to higher education extended to groups and social classes.



    考研真题例句 OG 2.extend

    To find out if this extends to non-living beings, they tested whether rats can detect social signals from robotic rats.



    考研真题例句 OG 3.extend

    The Vermont case will offer a precedent-setting test of how far those powers extend.



    考研真题例句 OG 1.extend

    5bn programme of grants to fund new affordable housing is unlikely to be extended beyond then.



    考研真题例句 OG 2.extend

    But they certainly will reshape it, and all the more so the longer they extend.



    • 近义词

    • 反义词

    • 临近词

    A true friend will always extend a helping hand to you when you're in the depths of despair.(当你处于绝望的深渊时,真正的朋友总会伸出援助之手。)
    It is not unusual for the roots of some desert perennials to extend downward more than ten meters.(一些沙漠多年生植物的根向下延伸十米以上,这并不少见。)
    The goal is to extend product life so that sales and profits do not decline.(这样做的目的是延长产品的寿命,使销售额和利润不会下降。)
    I had a deadline for that but the Association had to extend it.(为此我设了一个最后期限,但协会不得不延长这一限期。)
    Their goal is to convince lawmakers to extend unemployment benefits.(他们的目标是说服立法者扩大失业救济。)
    Monsanto argues that its patents extend to later generations.(孟山都公司认为它的专利延伸到了后代。)
    Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car.(精心保养可延长汽车寿命。)
    The main stem will extend to around 12 ft, if left to develop naturally.(如果让其自然生长,主干会延伸到12英尺左右。)
    It might be possible to extend the technique to other crop plants.(把该技术扩延到其它农作物上也许是可能的。)
    There are plans to extend the no-smoking area.(现已有扩大无烟区的计划。)
    extend是什么意思 extend在线翻译 extend什么意思 extend的意思 extend的翻译 extend的解释 extend的发音 extend的同义词