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更新时间:2025-03-10 14:10:55



英 [ˈfju:dəlɪzəm]

美 [ˈfjudl:ˌɪzəm]


形容词: feudalistic 名词: feudalist

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  • 封建制度
  • 封建主义
  • 寡头制度
  • 封建社会


1. the social system that developed in Europe in the 8th century
vassals were protected by lords who they had to serve in war

Synonym: feudal system

1. 封建制度;封建主义
Feudalism was a system in which people were given land and protection by people of higher rank, and worked and fought for them in return.

1. 封建社会:本来封建社会(feudalism)指的是欧洲中世纪的一种非中央集权的政治与经济制度,即:君主,封臣(或诸侯)与土地三者之间的关系. 君主将土地封给诸侯,诸侯反过来对君主效忠,并向君主提供军事服务(即替君主打仗). 其实这里没有peasant什么事.

2. feudalism是什么意思

2. 灭亡:age#封建制度 | feudalism#灭亡 | extinction#遗物

The meagerness of Chinese feudalism is evidenced by the absence of any real medieval productive cities.(中国没有任何真正的中世纪式的生产城市,由此可以看出中国封建主义的贫乏性。)
Taxation facilitated commerce and agriculture more than proto-feudalism.(税收促进商业和农业超过原封建主义。)
All farming lands were owned by nobles, who then gave their land to their serfs, a situation similar to European feudalism.(所有农业土地所拥有的贵族,那么谁给他们的土地给他们的农奴,类似的情况下欧洲封建主义。)
Under the bondage of feudalism they had no freedom of person.(农民被束缚于封建制度之下,没有人身的自由。)
As a result, students are taught to associate traditional classic books with backwardness of feudalism.(导致老师教授学生的是传统典籍与封建制度的结合。)
Modern Chinese rural areas were on the wane and in crisis under the oppression and exploitation of the imperialism and feudalism.(近代中国农村在帝国主义和封建主义的压迫与剥削下处于衰落与危机中。)
As everybody knows, imperialism is one target and feudalism the other.(大家知道,一个是帝国主义,一个是封建主义。)
A long struggle will be needed to avoid a future of digital feudalism.(为了避免未来出现数字封建主义,我们需要进行长期的斗争。)
Feudalism in Europe was mainly a system of land holding—a system of holding land in exchange for military service.(欧洲的封建制度实际上是一种土地所有制度,这种制度可以使得拥有土地的人拿土地去换取他人的军事保护。)
This marked an initial victory for the struggle against imperialism and feudalism.(这标志着反帝国反封建的斗争取得了初步胜利。)
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