英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 14:01:34


英 [ˈlɪkwɪdeɪt]

美 [ˈlɪkwɪˌdet]


名词: liquidation 过去式: liquidated 过去分词: liquidated 现在分词: liquidating 第三人称单数: liquidates

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1. get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing

e.g. The mafia liquidated the informer
the double agent was neutralized

Synonym: neutralizeneutralisewasteknock offdo in

2. settle the affairs of by determining the debts and applying the assets to pay them off

e.g. liquidate a company

3. convert into cash

e.g. I had to liquidate my holdings to pay off my ex-husband

4. eliminate by paying off (debts)

Synonym: pay off

1. 停业清理,清算,清盘(破产的公司等)
To liquidate a company is to close it down and sell all its assets, usually because it is in debt.

e.g. A unanimous vote was taken to liquidate the company.

The company went into liquidation...
The number of company liquidations rose 11 per cent.

2. 将(资产等)变换成现金;变卖
If a company liquidates its assets, its property such as buildings or machinery is sold in order to get money.

e.g. The company closed down operations and began liquidating its assets in January.

3. 清除;(通常指)杀戮
If someone in a position of power liquidates people who are causing problems, they get rid of them, usually by killing them.

e.g. They have not hesitated in the past to liquidate their rivals.

1. 变现:另一方面,虽然台湾政治气候改善,巴克莱资本预估净外国直接投资(FDI)流出20亿美元、外国机构投资者今年以来在持股部位,也已经变现(liquidate)65亿美元.

2. liquidate的近义词

2. 清算,破产:lien 扣押权,留置权 | liquidate 清算,破产 | list (交易所)上市证券;把(证券)列人上市证券表

3. 清算,清偿债务:48 implement 实行 | 49 liquidate 清算,清偿债务 | 50 accrue 增长,自然增殖

  • 经典引文

  • Even before an extermination policy went into effect, the Gestapo had been liquidating unfit persons.

    出自:B. Bettelheim
  • Do German communities still exist in Russia? I thought Stalin liquidated them..in the forties.

    出自:L. Deighton
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate.(清算劳工,清算股票,清算农民,清算房地产。)
Michael Sandel: I don't want to liquidate the practice of promises.(迈克尔·桑德尔:我不想废除掉承诺的存在。)
Trying to liquidate that balance sheet quickly could lead to panic across the financial system.(试图清算他的资产负债表将会很快在金融体系内蔓延恐慌情绪。)
The court appointed a receiver to administer and liquidate the assets of an insolvent corporation.(法院指定了一个接管人以管理和清算破产公司的资产。)
But some of its operations could be taken over by another automaker or it could even be forced to liquidate.(但它的一些业务可能由另一个汽车制造商来接手,也可能被迫进行清算。)
Others will liquidate or put themselves up for sale.(还有些基金将清偿债务或是挂牌出售。)
It is possible to liquidate their doubts.(消除他们的疑虑是有可能的。)
Most analysts assumed that Inouye would liquidate the company.(大部分分析人士认为Inouye将清算公司。)
If he can liquidate this hoard into cash, arms and food, his chances of clinging on indefinitely will be boosted.(如果他能将这些黄金换成现金、武器和食品,他选择一场持久战的可能性就将大增。)
Sell the Ferrari, liquidate the stocks, and pick up one of these bad-ass timekeeping devices.(卖掉法拉利,卖掉股票,在里面挑个牛逼的计时器吧。)
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