英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:59:40



英 [ˌpɑ:tɪˈzæn]

美 [ˈpɑ:rtəzn]



名词: partisanship

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  • 党派性的,有偏见的 showing strong often unreasoning support of a particular party,group,plan,etc. and dislike of any others
  • [C]游击队员 a member of an armed group that fights in secret against an enemy that has defeated its country
  • [C]党人,党羽,帮派 a partisan person


1. a pike with a long tapering double-edged blade with lateral projections
16th and 17th centuries

Synonym: partizan

2. an ardent and enthusiastic supporter of some person or activity

Synonym: enthusiastpartizan

3. a fervent and even militant proponent of something

Synonym: zealotdrumbeater


1. devoted to a cause or party

Synonym: partizan

1. (对人或事业)盲目支持的,偏袒的,有倾向性的
Someone who is partisan strongly supports a particular person or cause, often without thinking carefully about the matter.

e.g. He is clearly too partisan to be a referee.

2. 游击队员
Partisans are ordinary people, rather than soldiers, who join together to fight enemy soldiers who are occupying their country.

e.g. He was rescued by some Italian partisans.
e.g. ...serving in resistance and partisan activities.

1. partisan的翻译

1. 游击队:游击队(Partisan) 不用多解释. 约分三种:步兵班、二线步兵班、机枪班. (德军的叫:Militia) 燃烧弹步兵班(Firebombs) 作用类似火焰喷射枪手,但作战范围类似反坦克步兵班. 德军专有. (以上介绍是以俄军为蓝本,德军的建制基本相同. )

2. 党人:我晓得自己这会儿的风度(temper)与其说像个哲人、毋宁说像个伶牙利齿的[达巷]党人(partisan). 对党人而言,参与论辩不是为了追问真理,而是为了折服听众;差别仅在于,眼下我要说服的听众只有一个,那就是我自己,说服在座各位原在其次.

3. 党人,帮派,是党派强硬支持者:7. lobbyist 院外活动集团成员 | 8. partisan 党人,帮派,是党派强硬支持者 | 9. acrimony 语言/态度的刻薄

4. partisan的翻译

4. 伙伴:parting 分离 | partisan 伙伴 | partition 瓜分

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The audience was very partisan,and refused to listen to the points she was making in her speech.
  • Partisan fighters fought in secret against the enemy.
  • Every movement has its partisans.
  • He appointed himself Freud's heated partisan, energetically defending psychoanalytic innovations.

    出自:P. Gay
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

Fears about this radicalising effect of partisan primaries lay behind the victory on the same day of a ballot measure, Proposition 14, to change to open primaries.(由于担心党派初选的激进作用会让胜利远离在同一天举行的选举,所以14条提案建议让初选公开化。)
I know this has gone all partisan in Washington, although for what reason, I cannot comprehend, as the sanctity of the nation's credit rating should be a bipartisan issue.(我知道,这个问题在华盛顿已经成为一个党派之争,尽管我不能理解是出于什么原因维护国家信用评级这一神圣的职责会成为一个党派问题。)
He tried to slip the country but was hauled back by a partisan band.(他企图逃离祖国,但被一支游击队带回。)
Mr Edwards has been the Congressman from this bastion since 1991, although his district changed shape around him during Texas's partisan redistricting of 2003.(爱德华先生自1991年起就一直是该选区的国会代表,尽管后者在2003年德州党派选区重划中发生了变化。)
Elena Kagan was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice, two days after the Senate confirmed her appointment in a largely partisan vote.(在参议院绝大多数本党支持者投票批准她的任命两天后,ElenaKagan宣誓就任最高法院法官。)
"There have been times in the past when CNN has been criticised for being neutral-not only non-partisan, but not really having positions," says Mr Whitaker.(“过去曾经有一段时间CNN因为其报道的中立性(不仅仅是没有了党派性,而甚至是平庸到没有任何立场可言)而受到批评”,Whitaker先生说。)
The university could end up with no supervision of a strongly partisan body.(这个大学可能将以没有强的坚决支持者监督的情形而告终。)
What started off as a good idea apparently devolved into typically polarized flame threads and partisan insults.(本来不错的点子却通常会分化为情感激烈的回帖和盲目的谩骂(link)。)
But in febrile, partisan Washington that is a pipe-dream.(但是这只是盲目的华盛顿头脑发热的空想罢了。)
Even in times of relative calm its Arabic-language coverage (the English channel is milder) of the conflict is relentless and partisan.(即使在相对平和时期,该台对此次冲突的阿语报导(英语频道要温和一些)也是毫不心软而且盲目狂热的。)
partisan是什么意思 partisan在线翻译 partisan什么意思 partisan的意思 partisan的翻译 partisan的解释 partisan的发音 partisan的同义词