英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 19:41:26



英 [ˈpɒstjuleɪt]

美 [ˈpɑ:stʃəleɪt]



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名词: postulation 过去式: postulated 过去分词: postulated 现在分词: postulating 第三人称单数: postulates

  • 英英释义

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1. (logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning

Synonym: posit



1. take as a given
assume as a postulate or axiom

e.g. He posited three basic laws of nature

Synonym: posit

2. maintain or assert

e.g. He contended that Communism had no future

Synonym: contend

3. require as useful, just, or proper

e.g. It takes nerve to do what she did
success usually requires hard work
This job asks a lot of patience and skill
This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice
This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert
This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent

Synonym: necessitateaskneedrequiretakeinvolvecall fordemand

The verb is pronounced /'pɒstjʊleɪt/. The noun is pronounced /'pɒstjʊlət/. 动词读作 /'pɒstjʊleɪt/。名词读作 /'pɒstjʊlət/。

1. 假定;假设
If you postulate something, you suggest it as the basis for a theory, argument, or calculation, or assume that it is the basis.

e.g. ...arguments postulating differing standards for human rights in different cultures...
e.g. Freud postulated that we all have a death instinct as well as a life instinct.

2. 假定;假设
A postulate is an idea that is suggested as or assumed to be the basis for a theory, argument, or calculation.

e.g. Offe also challenges the postulate of an 'organized capitalism'.

1. 假设:按照<>的解释,假设(Postulate)的涵义有二:(1)提出一个认为是理所当然或不言自明的命题;(2)基本的前提或假定. 第一种解释的意思是说,该命题已获得公认,不过必须通过其他假设或一般原则、准则、程序来证实,即使这一假设被公认,

  • 经典引文

  • The first postulate of this hypothesis is..the assumption of total coherence.

    出自:N. Frye
  • Therapy depends..on the postulate that the truth of a person's life can be uncovered in therapy.

    出自:J. Masson
  • The chapter was then allowed to postulate the bishop of Bath.

    出自:W. Stubbs
And postulate number five is some of Bohr's early genius.(假设五中涉及到的,是些波尔的早期成就。)
We postulate that SPATA4 gene is very likely to be involved in the process of cellular senescence and aging.(我们推测SPATA4基因极有可能参与到细胞衰老乃至个体衰老的过程中。)
The universe encompasses all of space and time we know, so it is beyond the realm of the Big Bang model to postulate what the universe beyond our horizon is.(宇宙包含我们所知的所有空间和时间,所以要求用大爆炸模型解释我们视界之外的宇宙超出了这个模型的限定范围。)
As I postulate above, Release Engineering needs support from above to enable them to carry out the mandate to enforce consistency.(正如我前面所假定的那样,版本工程学需要获得上述支持从而执行命令来强迫执行一致性。)
Sediment transport similarity is a postulate for model of suspended load.(水流输沙相似是悬沙模型必须满足的基本条件。)
POSTULATE 1: the germ must be found in every person with the disease.(原理1:必须在每位患病者身上都发现此种病菌。)
You might be wondering about the absence from our list of the Born postulate.(你们可能感到惊讶,在我们的列举中没有玻恩的假设。)
It seems that they would look for any explanation rather than postulate a new particle.(他们似乎更愿意寻找任何可能的解释也不愿去假定存在这种新粒子。)
So, having brushed all that aside, we can now take up the central issue of Brahman, which you postulate.(所以,把这些都抛在一边以后,我们现在就能进入你所认定的这个婆罗门的核心问题中了。)
If you postulate the force like that it explains the phenomena.(如果你假设这个力的存在那就能解释一些现象了。)
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