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英 [ˈpju:nətɪv]

美 [ˈpjunɪtɪv]


副词: punitively 名词: punitiveness

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  • 苛刻的
  • 惩罚(性)的
  • 刑罚的
  • 处罚的
  • 给予惩罚的
  • 令人受苦的
  • 严厉的
  • 使受惩罚的


1. inflicting punishment

e.g. punitive justice
punitive damages

Synonym: punitory

1. 处罚的;惩罚性的
Punitive actions are intended to punish people.

e.g. ...a punitive bombing raid...
e.g. Other economists say any punitive measures against foreign companies would hurt US interests.

1. 惩罚性:这里提出的一般性问题是,因欺诈得到的惩罚性(exemplary)损害赔偿或者作为反托拉斯救济的三倍损害赔偿中的惩罚性(punitive)的三分之二的部分,是否应该按照1939年的<>第32条 (a) (即现在的61条)由纳税人作为总收入申报.

2. punitive什么意思

2. 惩罚的:punishment training 惩罚训练 | punitive 惩罚的 | pupil 瞳孔

3. 刑罚的:punishment 惩罚 | punitive 刑罚的 | punitory 刑罚的

4. 给予惩罚的,惩罚性的:punishable 可受惩罚的,该罚的 | punitive 给予惩罚的,惩罚性的 | impunity 不受惩罚,免罪

  • 经典引文

  • Destroying the local garrison will..mean a punitive expedition and their homes and..crops burned.

    出自:R. Sutcliff
  • Seeking alleviation from the punitive burden of the Revenue.

    出自:I. Fleming
  • Punitive imprisonment for criminals.

    出自:A. Storr
No other rich country is nearly as punitive as the Land of the Free.(其他的发达国家几乎没有像这片自由的土地这么有惩罚力的。)
But in his brief comments at the White House, he made no mention of any punitive action.(但他在白宫发表的简短评论中,没有提到任何惩罚措施。)
There are calls for more punitive measures against people who drink and drive.(有人呼吁对酒后驾车的人要有更具处罚性的措施。)
The law is compensatory ratherthan punitive.(法律是补偿性的而非惩罚性的。)
Unfortunately, the penalty of a challenge was more symbolic than punitive.(很不幸地,挑战的处罚更多是象征性而不是惩罚性。)
He opposes the court's effort to place caps on punitive damages.(他反对法院的对惩罚性的损失赔偿制定限制的做法。)
Although huge punitive damages tend to be reduced on appeal, they often remain much too large.(尽管在上诉阶段惩罚性赔偿金可能会被削减,但是它们的数额仍然很大。)
We lack punitive measures.(我们缺乏惩罚措施。)
New Jersey used to be where New Yorkers fled to escape the city's punitive taxes and high crime.(新泽西曾经是纽约人为了逃离城市的严厉的税收和高犯罪率而来的地方。)
"Punitive actions are a good way of deterring people," said HSBC's Mr Mahendran.(“采取惩罚措施是防止泄密的好办法,”汇丰银行的马恒德兰说到。)
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