英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [prɒd]

美 [prɑ:d]



名词: prodder 过去式: prodded 过去分词: prodded 现在分词: prodding 第三人称单数: prods

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  • 刺针
  • 尖棒
  • 刺棒
  • 刺的东西
  • 刺激
  • 刺激活
  • 提醒物
  • 竹签
  • 神童
  • 异人
  • 天才
  • 刺激(物)
  • 促使
  • 推动
  • 督促
  • 推动力
  • 敦促
  • 刺戳
  • 刺激起
  • 惹起
  • 促使
  • 激励
  • 使苦恼
  • 扒拉
  • 推动
  • 驱策
  • 力陈
  • 催促
  • 督促
  • 鼓动
  • 激动
  • 提醒某人


1. a pointed instrument that is used to prod into a state of motion

Synonym: goad

2. a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something

e.g. the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves

Synonym: goadgoadingproddingurgingspurspurring


1. poke or thrust abruptly

e.g. he jabbed his finger into her ribs

Synonym: jabstabpokedig

2. urge on
cause to act

e.g. The other children egged the boy on, but he did not want to throw the stone through the window

Synonym: inciteegg on

3. to push against gently

e.g. She nudged my elbow when she saw her friend enter the restaurant

Synonym: nudgepoke at

1. (用手指或尖物)刺,戳,捅
If you prod someone or something, you give them a quick push with your finger or with a pointed object.

e.g. He prodded Murray with the shotgun...
e.g. Prod the windowsills to check for signs of rot...

2. 提醒;促使;督促
If you prod someone into doing something, you remind or persuade them to do it.

e.g. The report should prod the Government into spending more on the Health Service...
e.g. His remark prodded her to ask where Mora had gone.

She did her chores without prodding.

3. see also: cattle prod

1. 产品:在本过程中,布局组件下有多个产品(prod)节点. 每添加一个型腔,就会在布局节点下面添加一个产品子装配树的整列的子节点. 如果修补盒已经完全匹配到产品模型的形状,并形成了想要的封闭面, 修剪区域补片功能就可以用来提取修补盒的全部面域,

2. prod的翻译

2. 元素积:min 最小值 | prod 元素积 | sort 由小到大排序

3. 数组元素的乘积:primes 生成质数列表 | prod 数组元素的乘积 | rectint 矩形交集区域

4. 刺:prod at 刺 | prod 刺 | prodelision 字首母音的省略

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  • 经典引文

1. on the prod : 大发脾气;

  • Kelsoe..used the electric prod to tease.

    出自:R. Ingalls
  • He prodded the body with his toe.

    出自:R. C. Hutchinson
  • If they don't move, prod them with bayonets.

    出自:D. Bagley
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Do you love to go outside, or do you have to prod yourself to make sure you do it?(你很喜欢去户外,还是非要督促自己才能这么做?)
It may also be possible to vary capital charges to prod Banks to shrink, improve liquidity and, yes, curb pay.(它也可能改变资本费用,迫使银行缩减规模,改善资产折现力,对了,还有减少薪金。)
And it took too much time and effort to prod suppliers to set standards high and keep them up.(而且公司得花大量时间与精力去敦促中国供应商制定高标准并达标。)
If they haven't replied by next week, you'll have to call them and give them a prod.(如果下周他们还没答复,你就得打电话催催他们。)
Tall girls with frizzled hair, and hugeboys with sharp elbows, began to prod me with hideous interest.(卷头发的高女生和硬肘子的大男生开始不怀好意地推我。)
It's rather unusual to have packages published to PROD directly, either by FM or implicitly.(通过FM或隐式地把包直接发布到PROD是相当少见的。)
Don't prod; carefully listen to what they say.(不要刺激他们;仔细地听他们所说的内容。)
The coach simply has to know when to push or prod and when to let the team members fly on their own.(教练只需要知道何时推动或者刺激一下团队成员,使得他们依靠自己的能力获得提升。)
A poke, a prod, a wince and some colourful language (mine not his) and appendicitis is the chief suspect.(一番按、摸、拧和询问之后,他怀疑我得了盲肠炎。)
Because they're so unpleasant, they can sometimes prod us to take action when nothing else can.(因为他们如此地让人不快,他们有时能刺痛我们去采取行动当没有任何其他事能鼓动我们时。)
prod是什么意思 prod在线翻译 prod什么意思 prod的意思 prod的翻译 prod的解释 prod的发音 prod的同义词