英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 20:32:04



英 [ˌri:ˈfɜ:bɪʃ]

美 [ˌri:ˈfɜ:rbɪʃ]


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名词: refurbishment 过去式: refurbished 过去分词: refurbished 现在分词: refurbishing 第三人称单数: refurbishes

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  • 刷新
  • 再磨光
  • 整修
  • 翻新
  • 擦亮
  • 使清洁
  • 再装修
  • 清理装修
  • 重新擦亮
  • 再刷新


1. make brighter and prettier

e.g. we refurbished the guest wing
My wife wants us to renovate

Synonym: renovatefreshen up

1. 翻新,整修(建筑物或房间)
To refurbish a building or room means to clean it and decorate it and make it more attractive or better equipped.


e.g. We have spent money on refurbishing the offices...
e.g. This hotel has recently been completely refurbished.


1. 刷新:他撰写本书的目的是重新刷新(refurbish)这些条款的内涵,使其恢复它们的本来目的. 在他的分析之下,美国宪法<>中有关刑事程序的修正案并不是孤立的,而是内在的与其它宪法权利条款相和谐,构成一个整体,抵御来自政府对个人权利的侵犯.

2. 刷新,整修:refuge 安全,保护 | refurbish 刷新,整修 | refuse 拒绝

3. 电梯大修:reflection light barrier 反射式光电管 | refurbish 电梯大修 | regenerate to supply mains 回馈到电源

4. refurbish的近义词

4. 再磨光:refundment 资金偿还 | refurbish 再磨光 | refurnish 再供给

  • 经典引文

  • They bought and refurbished a large newspaper-and-tobacco shop.

    出自:Anne Stevenson
You can play the real estate market and refurbish your new, luxurious home.(你可以投身到房地产市场,还可以装修你的豪华新房。)
As the first law does not forbid to build this machine, there are always inventors who try to refurbish the idea again.(作为第一部法律并不禁止建造这台机器,总有一些发明家谁尝试翻新的想法了。)
There remain questions: how much it costs to refurbish a rocket booster and how many times a single booster can be reused, for example.(不过人们仍有很多疑问:比如,翻修要花多少钱?一枚推进器能重复使用多少次?)
You can also refurbish suits and shirts by having cuffs repaired, buttons replaced and hemlines adjusted.(缝补袖口、钉上扣子、补好边缘,坏掉的套装和衬衫就可以继续穿了。)
Help Rebecca refurbish a rundown castle and turn it into a pizza palace!(帮助丽贝卡翻新一裁减城堡和把它变成比萨饼宫!)
Electronics giants like Best Buy and Samsung have provided e-waste take-back programs over the past few years, which aim to refurbish old electronic components and parts into new products.(在过去的几年中,电子产品巨头百思买和三星等提供了电子垃圾回收项目,旨在翻新旧电子零部件并将它们转变为新产品。)
If you were born under the sign of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, today you may make a purchase for your home or apartment, or refurbish certain furniture or equipment in it.(双子座,天秤座和水瓶座的人,今天您可以购买住宅或公寓,或更新某些家具和设备。)
Critics accuse him of diverting those funds from existing schools: he has cancelled a big programme to rebuild or refurbish every secondary school in England.(批评者指责他从已建学校中夺走了这些钱:他取消了一个大项目,这一项目意在重修英格兰所有的中学。)
Whenever you decide to refurbish your existing kitchen you should follow some important tips.(每当您决定再磨光您现有的厨房您应该跟随一些重要技巧。)
Older quarters continued to be upgraded under a programme to refurbish some 4500 married quarters for Junior Police Officers.(约4500个旧的员佐级已婚人员宿舍单位,陆续根据一项翻新计划获得改善。)
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