Gina is the exact opposite of her little sister, though they resemble each other in appearance.(尽管她们长得很像,但是吉娜和她妹妹截然不同。)
If many such chains were created in a differentially rotating galaxy, the distribution of stars would resemble the observed distribution in a spiral galaxy.(如果许多这样的链是在一个不同的旋转星系中产生的,那么恒星的分布将类似于在螺旋星系中观察到的分布。)
Does this resemble a Star schema?(这与星型模式相似吗?)
The bank species was thought to resemble the muskrat in behavior, living in burrows or lodges and unable to build dams.(这种生活在岸边的物种被认为在行为上与麝鼠相似,生活在洞穴或小屋中,因此不能建造水坝。)
It will nevertheless resemble us in that it should communicate with its fellows, be interested in the Universe, live on a planet orbiting a star like our Sun.(但是它仍然与我们相似,因为它应该也与它的同伴交流,对宇宙感兴趣,生活在一个行星上,这个行星也绕着像是太阳一样的恒星运转。)
Stunt people must resemble the stars they stand in for.(特技演员必须和他们替身的明星相像。)
Curricula for this age level resemble those of a small group of countries including Australia, Thailand, Iceland, and Bulgaria.(这个年龄段的课程类似于澳大利亚、泰国、冰岛和保加利亚等少数国家的课程。)
The look and form of the phone are designed to resemble the playful nature of the xylophone.(手机的外观和形式旨在模仿木琴的俏皮本质。)
They have these little projections on their skin that allow them to resemble various textures.(它们的皮肤上有这些小突起,使它们能够模仿各种纹理。)
These injuries resemble those on skulls from a 1461 battlefield cemetery in England, Murphy says.(墨菲说,这些创伤很像英国一个1461年的战场墓地中颅骨的创伤。)
resemble是什么意思 resemble在线翻译 resemble什么意思 resemble的意思 resemble的翻译 resemble的解释 resemble的发音 resemble的同义词