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副词: respectfully 名词: respectfulness

  • 详情解释

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  • 尊重人的
  • 恭敬的
  • 有礼貌的
  • 表示敬意的
  • 尊敬人的
  • 尊敬的
  • 谦恭的
  • 殷勤的
  • 可尊敬的
  • 彬彬有礼的
  • 毕恭毕敬的
  • 恭恭敬敬的
  • 肃然起敬的
  • 规规矩矩的
  • 对…表示尊敬的


1. full of or exhibiting respect

e.g. respectful behavior
a respectful glance

2. feeling or manifesting veneration

Synonym: reverentialvenerating

1. 尊重人的;有礼貌的;恭敬的
If you are respectful, you show respect for someone.

e.g. He was always so polite and respectful...
e.g. The children in our family are always respectful to their elders...

'You are an artist,' she said respectfully.

1. respectful的近义词

1. 恭敬的:forgettable可忘的 | respectful恭敬的 | respectable可敬的

2. 尊重他人的,尊老爱幼:relentless 无情,冷酷 | respectful 尊重他人的,尊老爱幼 | respective 各自的,分别的

3. 有礼貌的:linguistics 语言学 | respectful 有礼貌的 | implmentation 执行

4. respectful的意思

4. 尊敬的,有礼貌的:10. in respect of:涉及,关于 | respectful:尊敬的,有礼貌的 | respectable:体面的,有身份的

  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.respectful

We were respectful of craft(技艺) and focused on digging into the characters we were going to play.

我们尊重工艺, 专注于挖掘我们将要扮演的角色。


  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

Teams that face Italy are always a bit fearful and very respectful.(意大利球队总是有点可怕和非常的尊重。)
Gradually, they began to look at me with respectful eyes.(渐渐地,他们开始用尊敬的眼光看待我。)
This is not a respectful use of taxpayer money.(这种方式是对纳税人资金的不尊重。)
Shall we still be respectful subjects of the King?(我们还是国王陛下受尊敬的臣民吧?)
He has wonderful manners and is respectful of me.(他举止得体、对我很有礼貌。)
From my first day, I heard a respectful tone from everyone who called me.(从第一天开始,每个打电话给我的人都用恭敬的语气对我说话。)
Continue your letter in a respectful tone.(用一种尊敬的口吻来接着写信。)
With those two wooden feet of his, he worked so fast that his opponents kept at a respectful distance.(他的两只脚是木头做的,动作很快,踢得对手们都敬而远之。)
Writer-director Paul Greengrass has gone to great lengths to be respectful in his depiction of what occurred, proceeding with the film only after securing the approval of every victim's family.(编剧兼导演保罗·格林格拉斯竭尽所能地在他的描述中尊重事实,只有在每个受害者的家人都同意的情况下,他才会继续拍摄这部电影。)
He was very respectful at home and obedient to his parents.(他在家里很尊重人而且顺从父母。)
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