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英 [ˈskænti]

美 [ˈskænti]


副词: scantily 比较级: scantier 最高级: scantiest 名词: scantiness

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  • 不足的,缺乏的
  • 吝啬的;过分节省的
  • 贫乏的
  • 狭窄的,狭小的
  • 过小的,紧的
  • 稀疏的
  • 少的,不多的
  • 有限的
  • 偏小的
  • 偏少的
  • 短裤,女衬裤


1. short underpants for women or children (usually used in the plural)

Synonym: pantiepantystep-in


1. lacking in amplitude or quantity

e.g. a bare livelihood
a scanty harvest
a spare diet

Synonym: bare(a)spare

1. 偏小的;偏少的;不足的;欠缺的
You describe something as scanty when there is less of it than you think there should be.


e.g. So far, what scanty evidence we have points to two suspects.

2. (衣服)暴露的
If someone is wearing scanty clothing, he or she is wearing clothes which are sexually revealing.

e.g. ...a model in scanty clothing.

...a troupe of scantily-clad dancers.
...pictures of scantily dressed women on every page.

1. scanty的意思

1. 缺乏的:scant 缺乏的 | scanty 缺乏的 | scar 疤痕

2. 缺乏的、稀疏的、省俭的、不充足的:6、 meek 温顺的、谦恭的、和缓的、驯服的 | 7、 scanty 缺乏的、稀疏的、省俭的、不充足的 | 8、 breakthrough 突破

3. 少量:中等量 moderate | 少量 scanty | 浆液性 serous

4. scanty是什么意思

4. 不足的:424. scale 尺寸;规模;大小;刻度 | 425. scanty 不足的 | 426. scared-scary 受惊吓的-吓人的

  • 经典引文

  • Breakfast was scantysmilk and..dry bread.

    出自:R. Fraser
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The harsh winters, sloppy construction and scanty maintenance mean bad roads; salt and grit take their toll on bodywork.(冬天寒风刺骨,路面湿滑,缺乏维护,路况极差。路面上的粗盐和沙砾在车身上留下了划痕。)
The sheep always say they are careful, the cheapskate always say they are scanty.(胆小鬼往往自称心细,吝啬鬼往往自称节省。)
In the end they came to the conclusion that evidence is scanty.(最后他们得出结论,认为证据不足。)
The boy followed the old man, who commanded him to open the bag in which he carried his scanty dinner.(男孩跟着老人,老人命令他打开袋子,袋子里装着他仅有的晚餐。)
I set out one afternoon to go a-fishing to Fair Haven, through the woods, to eke out my scanty fare of vegetables.(有一个下午我穿过森林到美港去钧鱼,以弥补我的蔬菜的不足。)
The ant is the most industrious animal, but it most be scanty of words. Franklin.(没有任何动物比蚂蚁更勤奋,然而它却最沉默寡言。富兰克林。)
Assumptions shall not be made on the basis of scanty information, especially scanty radar information.(不应当根据不充分的资料,特别是不充分的雷达观测资料作出推断。)
Although research is scanty a recent Health Ministry survey suggests that the need for more specialists is growing fast.(尽管对精神卫生的研究不多,但最近卫生部的一项调查还是表明,人们对专业人士的需求在飞速增长。)
The news today is scanty, but good.(今天的消息不多,不过都是好消息。)
Details of his life are scanty.(关于他的生平,详细资料不多。)
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