英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈskeəsəti]

美 [ˈskersəti]


名词复数: scarcities

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  • 缺乏
  • 不足
  • 稀少
  • 萧条
  • 【经】匮乏
  • 罕见
  • 缺少
  • 稀罕
  • 少见
  • 短缺
  • 荒歉
  • 饥荒


1. a small and inadequate amount

Synonym: scarceness

1. 缺乏;不足;稀少
If there is a scarcity of something, there is not enough of it for the people who need it or want it.

e.g. ...an ever increasing scarcity of water.

1. 短缺:自由主义者认为工业革命(industrial revolution)是如此成功地解决了短缺(scarcity)的问题以至于允许我们人口的爆炸性增长. 自从1800 年世界人口达到了十亿的数字,工业革命就带来了人类的曙光. 第二个十亿要比第一个十亿的到来快许多:1930年.

2. 稀少性:1.该种财货不具有资源稀少性(Scarcity)特质. David Ricardo定义:某国虽然在两种产品之生产上皆具有绝对利益,但它在其中一种产品之生产上具有较小的机会成本,则称该国在此产品之生产上具比较利益,且於另一产品之生产上必定具比较不利益,

  • 经典引文

  • They'd been through scarcity before, and would always believe that something would turn up.

    出自:P. Matthiessen
  • The growing scarcity..of water has generated heated arguments over water rights.

We face a probable future of nuclear-armed states warring over a scarcity of resources; and that scarcity is largely the consequence of capitalism itself.(我们所面对的未来,很可能是核武器大国为资源短缺而战;而这种短缺大部分是资本主义本身的结果。)
Their price depended almost entirely on their scarcity.(他们的价格几乎完全靠他们的供不应求。)
Women's scarcity in top organizational ranks may simply represent the cumulative effect of a constant—or even decreasing—disadvantage at successive hierarchical levels.(在组织高层中,女性的稀缺可能只是代表了在连续层级中持续甚至是逐渐减少的劣势的累积效应。)
One reason for the scarcity is that there are fairly few women in management in Norwegian companies—they occupy around 15% of senior positions.(造成这种稀缺的一个原因是挪威公司管理层中女性相当少——她们占据了约15%的高级职位。)
Because of the importance of nutrients and their scarcity, nutrient recycling is one of the most significant eco-system processes that we'll cover in this course.(由于养分的重要性和贫乏性,营养循环是我们在这门课中会讲到的最重要的生态系统过程之一。)
Scarcity creates its own psychology.(匮乏就创造了相应的心理。)
In the wild, these birds store food for retrieval later during periods of food scarcity.(在野外,这些鸟会储存食物以备日后食物短缺时再取用。)
The pack of Lions exist in a world of Scarcity.(这群狮子生活的世界是资源匮乏的。)
"The scarcity claim lacks credibility," he said.(“粮食缺少的说法缺乏可信度,”他说。)
My Farmers' Cyclopedia of 1912 tells me that mangel-wurzel means, roughly translated from German, "root of scarcity".(我的《1912年的农民百科全书》告诉我,“mangel-wurzel”从德语粗略翻译过来的意思是“稀缺的根源”。)
scarcity是什么意思 scarcity在线翻译 scarcity什么意思 scarcity的意思 scarcity的翻译 scarcity的解释 scarcity的发音 scarcity的同义词