英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:48:51



英 [sɪˈkri:ʃn]

美 [sɪˈkriʃən]


形容词: secretionary

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

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  • 藏匿
  • 【生理】分泌
  • 隐藏
  • 【生理】分泌物
  • 分泌作用
  • 分泌液
  • 隐匿
  • 树液
  • 分化
  • 隐蔽


1. a functionally specialized substance (especially one that is not a waste) released from a gland or cell

2. the organic process of synthesizing and releasing some substance

Synonym: secernment

1. 分泌
Secretion is the process by which certain liquid substances are produced by parts of plants or from the bodies of people or animals.

e.g. ...the secretion of adrenaline.
e.g. ...insulin secretion.

2. 分泌物
Secretions are liquid substances produced by parts of plants or bodies.


e.g. ...gastric secretions.

1. 分泌物:长长的舌头被厚厚的分泌物(secretion)覆盖,从而可以容易捕食蚂蚁. 食蚁兽的前脚有三个巨大的脚爪是用来挖蚂蚁的巢穴,同时也会用来进行防卫武器. 其它的脚爪却很小. 它们是游泳好手. 它们睡觉时会将头蜷缩到两个前腿之间,

2. 释放:引起血小板聚集的物质同样刺激血小板的释放(secretion)反应,被激活的血小板排出胞桨内的颗粒,释放出ADP、5-羟色胺、血小板第4因子、β-血栓球蛋白(beta-thromboglobulin)、vWF、纤维蛋白原、纤维连结蛋白和因子Ⅴ等一系列化学物质.

3. secretion的解释

3. 分泌;空隙充填:secrete 分泌;分泌物;隐藏 | secretion 分泌;空隙充填 | secretofthetrade 商业秘密

  • 经典引文

  • Poetry is a natural or morbid Secretion from the Brain.

From human placenta and snail secretion to bird poo, people were ready to put anything and everything on their faces in the name of beauty.(从人的胎盘和蜗牛分泌物到鸟屎,为了寻求美丽,人们随时准备好将任何东西涂在脸上。)
General use called "astringent" make-up water to the skin shrink to inhibit the secretion of sebum and reduce irritation.(一般都使用名为“收敛剂”的化妆水使皮肤收缩,以便抑制皮脂的分泌而减少刺激。)
It stirs gastric secretion, increases the acidity of the gastric juice and provokes flatulency.(它会刺激胃液分泌,增加胃液的酸度并引起肠胃气胀。)
Dinitropheol exerted its effect on sucrose uptake or secretion into the sieve tubes.(二硝基酚影响蔗糖的吸收或者分化到筛管里。)
The virus also increases lipid sensitivity and decreases leptin secretion of the new fat cells.(该病毒还会增加新脂肪细胞的脂肪灵敏度,并降低其瘦素分泌。)
Lymphocytosis occurs in some species, especially the cat, as a response to epinephrine secretion.(某些种类的动物尤其是猫的肾上腺素分泌会造成淋巴球增多症。)
The sweet secretion is known as honeydew .(甜甜的分泌物就是我们所说的“蜜汁”。)
Peel off dead epidermis cells, dredge sebum gland, balance oil secretion and prevent skin problems.(祛除表皮坏死细胞和使皮脂腺管畅通无阻塞,平衡油脂分泌,抑制肌肤问题。)
Cancer cells release gastrin mainly with secretion granules.(癌细胞形成分泌颗粒释放胃泌素。)
From a neuroscience viewpoint, a thought is just a secretion, a droplet of a chemical where two brain cells connect (synapse).(从神经学的角度来说,一个想法只是一种分泌物,是位于两个大脑细胞连接处(突触)的化学物质中的一小滴。)
secretion是什么意思 secretion在线翻译 secretion什么意思 secretion的意思 secretion的翻译 secretion的解释 secretion的发音 secretion的同义词