英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:13:22



英 ['skɪlfʊl]

美 [ˈskɪlfəl]


副词: skillfully 名词: skillfulness

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  • 熟练的
  • 制作精巧的,精致的
  • 灵巧的
  • 有技术的
  • 擅长的
  • 高明的
  • 精明的
  • 敏锐的
  • 很有手腕的
  • 深谙韬略的
  • 巧妙的



1. done with delicacy and skill

e.g. a nice bit of craft
a job requiring nice measurements with a micrometer
a nice shot

Synonym: nice

2. having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude

e.g. adept in handicrafts
an adept juggler
an expert job
a good mechanic
a practiced marksman
a proficient engineer
a lesser-known but no less skillful composer
the effect was achieved by skillful retouching

Synonym: adeptexpertgoodpracticedproficientskilful

1. -> see skilful


1. 熟练的:刘中锋在这方面的天赋(genius)丝毫不弱于他在枪械方面的能力,对女人身体的越发迷恋与熟悉,使其在与维多利亚进行鱼水之欢时,熟练的(skillful)手法与技巧让维多利亚欲仙欲死,欲罢不能.

2. 熟练技巧:认识舒适堡:专业精神(Professional)、诚恳态度(Hearty)、青春心境(Youthful)、熟练技巧(Skillful)、工作理想(Ideal)、关心会员(Care)、积极主动(Active)、忠诚服务(Loyal)组成了舒适堡对会员的健康保证,也是舒适堡(Physical)得名的由来.

3. skillful的近义词

3. 巧:企划人员的巧,就是有技巧(skillful)与敏感地(sensitive)诠释调查的结果,找出有可能发展之处. 企划人员的原始概念是於1965年由现已过世的Stanley Pollitt所创. 他认为,虽然广告公司能够取得的资料越来越多,

4. 熟的:(b) 他觉得自己 (find himself) 拥有一信念B,而且他「证成情境下这是一个合情合理的假设在这两重基础 (i) 与 (ii) 之上,推得结论 (iii)性;我们说她的某个发球不只是致胜发球,而且是技术纯熟的 (skillful) 发球,清楚;并没

  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

"A skillful photographer can photograph anything well," he once insisted.(“老练的摄影师什么都可以拍,”他曾坚持道。)
I like making things by hand because my mother is very skillful, and I liked staying with her when I was young.(我喜欢亲手作一些东西,这是因为我母亲的手非常巧,而且我小的时候喜欢同她在一起。)
A teacher who is skillful in delivering his lecture can undoubtedly inspire the mind of students.(一个授课熟练的老师毫无疑问会激发学生的灵感。)
After a short time we caught a lot of crabs, for my brother was very skillful at it.(一会儿以后,我们抓了很多螃蟹。因为我哥哥很擅长抓螃蟹。)
Military tactics are skillful.(兵法巧妙。)
Deep into spring, winter is hanging on. Bitter and skillful in his.(在春天的深处,冬天还赖着不走。)
Business people who have hired or worked with MBAs say those with the degrees often know how to analyze systems but are not so skillful at motivating people.(曾聘用或与管理学硕士共事的商界人士表示,那些拥有MBA学位的人往往知道如何对系统进行分析,但他们在激励他人方面却不那么熟练。)
But he is also nimble and skillful.(但是他很灵巧,技术也很棒。)
Like trained and skillful woodsmen, they approached without a sound.(像训练有素的伐木工一样,他们悄无声息地靠近了。)
Constant practice has such an effect on memory as to lead to skillful performance on the piano, to recitation of a poem, and even to reading and understanding these words.(不断的练习对记忆有很大的影响,有助于熟练地弹奏钢琴,背诵诗歌,甚至阅读和理解这些单词。)
skillful是什么意思 skillful在线翻译 skillful什么意思 skillful的意思 skillful的翻译 skillful的解释 skillful的发音 skillful的同义词