英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 22:08:08



英 [spɑ:s]

美 [spɑ:rs]


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副词: sparsely 比较级: sparser 最高级: sparsest 名词: sparseness

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  • 稀疏的
  • 稀少的
  • 稀的
  • 零落的
  • 稀缺的
  • 瘦小的
  • 稀稀拉拉的
  • 密度不大的
  • 零星的
  • 不多的
  • 空泛的
  • 缺乏的
  • 低劣的
  • 简单的
  • 分散的
  • 薄的
  • 稀疏地


1. not dense

e.g. a thin beard
trees were sparse

Synonym: thin

1. 稀少的;稀疏的
Something that is sparse is small in number or amount and spread out over an area.

e.g. Many slopes are rock fields with sparse vegetation...
e.g. He was a tubby little man in his fifties, with sparse hair...

...the sparsely populated interior region, where there are few roads.

1. 疏:现在,该为 UML 创建一些专门的自由空间以使其在这些空间中运行,方法是通过创建并格式化一个稀疏(sparse)文件. 这有点神奇,因为为文件分配了固定大小的空间,而实际并未完全使用该空间. UML 构建器(UML Builder)Debian 文件系统与其它文件系统稍有不同.

2. sparse的意思

2. 稀疏矩阵:对静力分析、全谐波分析和全瞬态分析,可选用稀疏矩阵(SPARSE) 求解器,或雅可比共轭梯度(JCG)求解器.

3. 创建稀疏矩阵:spalloc 为非零元素配置内存 | sparse 创建稀疏矩阵 | spconvert 把外部数据转换为稀疏矩阵

  • 经典引文

  • Nearly the whole of our way led through sparse olive-woods.

    出自:M. Howitt
  • A sparse breakfast had been set out..just a packet of cornflakes, a can of dried milk.

    出自:A. Carter
  • At other times of the day the clientele became sparse.

    出自:K. Ishiguro
  • His pink scalp glistening amidst the sparse hair.

    出自:N. Lowndes
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

The documentation is a bit sparse, but the editor is well worth a try.(这方面的文档有些少,但该编辑器还是值得一试的。)
These same cycles of change had momentous impacts on the sparse human populations of the region.(这些相同的变化周期对该区域稀少的人口产生了重大影响。)
The monkeys' task was to identify this second type as sparse.(猴子的任务是认出第二类图案是“稀疏的”。)
The people who hunted the sparse desert animals responded to drought by managing the wild resources they hunted and gathered, especially wild oxen, which had to have regular water supplies to survive.(稀有沙漠动物的捕猎者通过管理所他们捕猎和采集的野生资源来应对干旱,尤其是必须有稳定水供应才能生存的野牛。)
The information available on the subject is sparse.(这个题目资料匮乏。)
The first is sparse file performance.(第一个就是处理稀疏文件的能力。)
The sparse distribution of the feathers, however, also allows considerable lateral air movement over the skin surface, thereby permitting further heat loss by convection.(然而,羽毛的稀疏分布也使得皮肤表面形成相当大量的侧向空气流动,从而可以通过对流进一步散热。)
For sparse pages, ads are not likely to be relevant.(对于少量的页面,广告无法实现相关行。)
Dotted amongst the sparse trees were a dozen low mounds.(在那些稀疏树木间,有一些很矮的土堆以点状分布。)
The trees are sparse.(树木稀疏。)
sparse是什么意思 sparse在线翻译 sparse什么意思 sparse的意思 sparse的翻译 sparse的解释 sparse的发音 sparse的同义词