英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:42:03



英 [ˈstætʃu:t]

美 [ˈstætʃut]



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  • 章程
  • 条例
  • 法规
  • 规则
  • 成文法
  • 规程
  • 【律】法令
  • 规定
  • 成文法律
  • 法定的
  • 规定的
  • 成文的
  • [C] 法令,法规 a law passed by a law-making body and formally written down


1. an act passed by a legislative body

Synonym: legislative act

1. 成文法;法令;法规
A statute is a rule or law which has been made by a government or other organization and formally written down.


e.g. The new statute covers the care for, bringing up and protection of children...
e.g. The independence of the judiciary in France is guaranteed by statute.

1. statute

1. 法令:比如入狱或罚款. 而民事诉讼则不涉及刑罚,也没有触犯法律,它所关注的是当事人之间的争议(当然,其中的一方有可能是政府),并且界定当事人之间的关系. 民事法律包括法令(statute)和习惯法(common law,法官判例积累所形成).

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • Protection for the consumer is laid down by statute.
  • Statutes of some colleges forbid the speaking of any language but Latin.

    出自:W. Paley
  • 词义讲解

statute, law, rule
  • 这组词的共同意思是“法律”“法规”。其区别是:
  • law含义最广,既可指约定俗成的规范,也可指由地方至国家立法机关所颁布的行为规则,有时也指事物发展的规律;statute指立法机关制定。根据宪法正式批准生效的成文法;而rule则指指导、控制行为或行动的条规和惯例,也可指一组织强制其内部人员必须做什么或绝不能做什么的决定。例如:
  • When a Bill is passed by Parliament, it becomes a law.当一法案由国会通过时即成为法律。
  • Protection for the consumer is laid down in plain terms by statute.保护消费者权益是由法律明文规定的。
  • Anyone who breaks the rules will be punished.凡违反规则者将受到惩罚。
  • 相关列句
    It is one of the odd old laws on the statute book, although rarely enforced by even the keenest police officer.(这是法律全书上最古怪最老的法规之一,但是执法最严明的警察也不会执行的。)
    The others have all been dropped, because of the statute of limitations or the immunity rule.(而其他各案均因诉讼时效或豁免权的法规,而已经被撤销。)
    The statute is the framework that they have chosen and that they have chosen by a wide margin.(这一法规是他们所做选择的框架,是在较大的范围内做出的选择。)
    The new statute covers the care for, raising, and protection of children.(这项新法令涵盖了儿童的照料、养育和保护。)
    Big countries such as China, India and Russia have not signed up to its founding statute.(像中国,印度和俄国仍然没有签署它的成立章程。)
    A national statute might set a standard States would follow.(一条国家性的法规可以制定出一个让各州都遵守的标准。)
    The wording of this statute was the subject of controversy.(该法令的措辞成为争论的焦点。)
    Like almost every other crime, there is a statute of limitations on bad taste.(就如同其他犯罪一样,坏品位也有它的规定限期。)
    SERBIAN nationalists are outraged over a new autonomy statute for Vojvodina, their northern province.(塞尔维亚民族主义者为其东北部的Vojvodina省取得自治权而义愤填膺。)
    Senegal has ratified these treaties and has undertaken to respect the Organization’s statute.(塞内加尔已批准了这些条约,并已承诺尊重该组织的章程。)
    statute是什么意思 statute在线翻译 statute什么意思 statute的意思 statute的翻译 statute的解释 statute的发音 statute的同义词