英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 22:49:21



英 [sɔ:d]

美 [sɔ:rd]


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  • 武力
  • 战争
  • 兵权
  • 杀戮
  • 【军】刺刀
  • 君权
  • 造成伤害的根源
  • 权力
  • 利剑
  • 干戈
  • 凶器,杀伤的工具
  • 威力
  • 军职
  • 用剑刺杀
  • [C] 剑,刀 a long sharp knife for fighting


1. a cutting or thrusting weapon that has a long metal blade and a hilt with a hand guard

Synonym: bladebrandsteel

1. 剑;刀
A sword is a weapon with a handle and a long sharp blade.

2. 与…交锋;与…争论
If you cross swords with someone, you disagree with them and argue with them about something.

e.g. ...a candidate who's crossed swords with Labor by supporting the free-trade pact...
e.g. The fiercest of rivals, the last time they crossed swords was during the 1980s.
这对争得你死我活的竞争对手的最后一次交锋是在 20 世纪 80 年代。

3. (指兼有正面和负面影响的)双刃剑
If you say that something is a double-edged sword or a two-edged sword, you mean that it has negative effects as well as positive effects.


4. Sword of Damocles -> see Damocles

1. 剑,刀:在6月6日清晨,剑刀(Sword)天后星(Juno)和黄金(GoId)达三处海滩的情况都进行的非常顺利. 英军登陆时所遭遇的抵抗较轻微,但稍后他们立刻发现防卫军的军力其实具有压倒性的优势. 当英军巩固了海滩之后,照理说应该向内陆推进愈远愈好.

2. sword什么意思

2. 长剑:装备着一套弓箭、一件皮甲的就是弓手(Bowman而被分配到铁甲(Iron Armament)与十字弓(Crossbow)的自然就是更为强大的十字弓手;装备有长盾(Long Shield)、长剑(Sword)、铁甲的就是长剑手;如果再让长剑手配上战马,

3. 剑术:2.战斗中不要尽量不要伤jan太多,更不要砍倒jan抢他的东西,要不然,任务很容易就卡bug了,即便你放笑话(joke)魔法也是无效,他就是完全不理你. . . 我就是卡着呢. 小红宝石(small ruby)+5金块=20hp,3力量(str)戒指当然应该跟我力量(strength)低,剑术(sword)低有关系.

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1. put to the sword : 杀死;

  • They are armed with swords and guns.
用作名词 (n.)
  • This avarice..hath been the sword of our slain kings.

  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 直接源自古英语的sweord,意为剑。
In Bahrain, royals there gave Camilla a watch, bracelet while Charles and his wife were also given a ceremonial Arabic sword.(巴林王室送给卡米拉一块手表、一只手镯和一个内嵌珍珠的银盒子,还送给查尔斯夫妇一把镶有珠宝的阿拉伯礼仪剑。)
They turned upon him and tried to seize him; but he drew his sword.(他们转过身要捉拿他;但是他拔出了剑。)
He was ordering now, as they waded up Sword Beach, in that drawly voice of his, ''Give us a tune, piper!''(当他们在剑滩上涉水时,他正以他缓慢悠长的声音下命令:“风笛手,给我们整一曲!”)
The sword was presented by the family to the museum.(这家人把宝剑捐赠给了博物馆。)
He has found that humor is a double-edged sword.(他发现幽默是一把双刃剑。)
The sword hasn't had a military function for a hundred years, but is still part of an officer's full-dress uniform, precisely because a sword always symbolized "an officer and a gentleman".(剑已经有一百年没有军事功能了,但它仍然是军官全套制服的一部分,因为剑总是象征着“军官和绅士”。)
He fancied he had a sword—belike he is the prince himself.(他以为自己有一把剑——好像自己就是那位王子似的。)
Sasuke charges forward and Danzo dodges a sword slash.(佐助冲了过去,团藏躲开了一刀。)
Advanced technology is usually a double-edged sword, which can bring people both benefits and harms.(先进的技术通常是一把双刃剑,它可以给人们带来好处和危害。)
Fame can be a two-edged sword.(名声是把双刃剑。)
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