英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 21:47:12



英 [ˈtəʊdi]

美 [ˈtoʊdi]



名词复数: toadies 过去式: toadied 过去分词: toadied 现在分词: toadying 第三人称单数: toadies

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  • 谄媚者
  • 马屁精
  • 拍马屁的人
  • 拍马屁者
  • 谄媚
  • 拍马(屁)
  • 奉承


1. a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage

Synonym: sycophantcrawlerlackeyass-kisser


1. try to gain favor by cringing or flattering

e.g. He is always kowtowing to his boss

Synonym: fawntrucklebootlickkowtowkotowsuck up

1. 谄媚者;马屁精
If you refer to someone as a toady, you disapprove of them because they flatter or are pleasant towards an important or powerful person in the hope of getting some advantage from them.


2. 奉承;谄媚;拍马
If you say that someone is toadying to an important or powerful person, you disapprove of them because they are flattering or being pleasant towards that person in the hope of getting some advantage from them.

e.g. They came backstage afterward, cooing and toadying to him.


1. 谄媚者:toadstool 伞菌 | toady 谄媚者 | toadyism 谄媚

2. toady

2. 拍马屁者:today今天 | toady拍马屁者 | hilarious 喜不自禁的

3. toady是什么意思

3. 奉承:hippopotamus 河马 (hip+popo屁股冒泡泡的)海马 | Toady 奉承 | tycoon (读音:太酷了)大亨

4. 谄媚者,马屁精:511. tinker: 补锅工人. v.修补. | 512. toady: 谄媚者,马屁精. | 513. tragedian: 悲剧演员.

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Don't toady to or be obsequious to rich or powerful people.(不谄媚奉承有钱或权势的人。)
Dud, a Vulptereen, is an unscrupulous toady, working for the equally shifty Sebulba.(武尔普特人达德是一个不择手段的马屁精,为同样心怀鬼胎的塞布巴效力。)
He disdains to toady to his boss.(他不屑拍老板马屁。)
'Let's sit quiet a bit, Toady!'(蟾儿,让咱们先安静地坐一会儿吧!)
It will be your head next time, Toady!(下次就是你的脑袋,蛤蟆仔!)
"It's for your own good, Toady," went on the Rat.(“这是为了你自己好,蛤蟆仔。”水鼠兰特接着说。)
Arrogance has no defense against a toady.(傲慢防不了谄媚者。)
Smile comes from the heart, neither humble nor pushy, neither a fool to the weak nor a toady to the strong.(微笑发自内心,不卑不亢,既不是对弱者的愚弄,也不是对强者的奉承。)
I disdain to toady to everybody.(我不屑拍任何人的马屁。)
Hypocrite and toady and inebriate!(伪君子谄媚者和醉鬼。)
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