英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 21:52:39


英 [ˌtræktə'bɪlətɪ]

美 [ˌtræktə'bɪlətɪ]


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1. the trait of being easily persuaded

Synonym: tractablenessflexibility

1. tractability的意思

1. 温顺:tract 束 | tractability 温顺 | tractable 易于管教的

2. tractability的翻译

2. 精细性 易处理:tract 土地 专论 束 | tractability 精细性 易处理 | tractellum 前鞭毛

3. 驯良:trackwalker 护路工人 | tractability 驯良 | tractably 易加工地

4. 可追溯性:total quality management 全面质量管理 | tractability 可追溯性 | validation 确认

However, analytical tractability remains a problem for most of the alternative models.(然而对于其他的模型分析的处理依然是一个问题。)
Mrs Durbeyfield was only too delighted at this tractability.(看见苔丝这样听话,德北菲尔德太太不由得心中大喜。)
The assumptions about human motivations and behaviors have usually been made on the basis of introspection, inspection of special cases, and mathematical tractability.(这种对人的动机和行为的假设的做出通常都是以内省、考虑特殊情况、以及在数学上易于处理为基础的。)
Leads tractability tests and mock recalls.(领导追溯性测试和模拟回收。)
This paper focuses on the tractability of shortterm scheduling for crude oil operations.(提出了原油处理过程短期生产计划是否存在可解性的问题。)
In the first part, we focused on the tractability and stability of singular systems with delay.(在第一部分,我们主要研究广义系统的可处理性与稳定性。)
Tractability: All invocation of the catalog service need to be traced.(可跟踪性:Catalog服务的所有调用都必须能够跟踪。)
You will find the dog's tractability and friendliness.(你会发现狗既温顺又友好。)
Ensures proper product identification and tractability.(确保产品易于区分识别。)
The issue of organizational size is important to fulfill both educational objectives and provide tractability in the project.(在项目中实现教学目标和提供容易处理的可能性,组织大小的问题是重要的。)
tractability是什么意思 tractability在线翻译 tractability什么意思 tractability的意思 tractability的翻译 tractability的解释 tractability的发音 tractability的同义词