英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 19:43:43


英 [trɔ:ˈmætɪk]

美 [traʊˈmætɪk]


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  • 创伤的
  • 【医】外伤的
  • 损伤的
  • 痛苦的
  • 极不愉快的
  • 治外伤的
  • 带损伤性
  • 外伤性的
  • 痛苦难忘的
  • 造成精神创伤的
  • 外伤药

1. 造成创伤的;惊骇的;痛苦的
A traumatic experience is very shocking and upsetting, and may cause psychological damage.

e.g. I suffered a nervous breakdown. It was a traumatic experience...
e.g. For a child the death of a pet can be traumatic.

1. traumatic的反义词

1. 创伤:英雄往往是孤独、寡言、心事重重、与众不同、才华洋溢的标记; 英雄总有一个创伤(traumatic)的过去,黄飞鸿的错手杀人、蜘蛛侠掉进抑郁、张无忌自少父母双亡; 英雄常有一份不足为外人道的情感世界,魔间行者(Constantine)奇洛理维斯是一个驱魔人,

2. traumatic的解释

2. 外伤性:1-1-1 半月板破裂meniscus tear...半月板破裂(meniscus tear)約佔膝關節傷害而需開刀治療50%. ...內側半月板破裂比外側半月板破裂約多三倍. 我猜测有二,一是半月状板破裂(meniscus tear),那是外伤性(traumatic)的,...

3. 创伤性:误诊这问题今日尤其严重,因为现今有很多辅助检查,例如X光、电脑扫描、内窥镜等,不多不少也是入侵性(Invasive)和创伤性(Traumatic),当然不能「有做错,无放过」.

4. 使人不快的,令人痛苦难忘的:tick [口]开始起作用 | traumatic 使人不快的,令人痛苦难忘的 | jeopardize 使......处于危险中

  • 经典引文

  • Her nerves had never recovered from the traumatic experience of being married to him.

    出自:G. Daly
It has been a traumatic week, but they are over the hump.(这是痛苦的一周,但他们已度过最困难阶段。)
Is the cause of PTSD simply a traumatic event?(1ptsd是单纯由创伤事件引发的么?)
The confirmation process has been getting ever longer and more traumatic.((对这一点的)确认过程正变得越来越漫长和越来越创伤。)
Mild traumatic brain injury, pain, and substance abuse are common.(轻度颅脑损伤,疼痛,药物滥用是常见的。)
The price rises of 2008 were traumatic.(2008年的价格上涨带来了创伤。)
A push factor can be as simple and mild a matter as difficulty in finding a suitable job, or as traumatic as war, or severe famine.(推动因素可以是简单而轻微的事情,比如找不到合适的工作,也可以是创伤性的事情,比如战争或严重的饥荒。)
The Asian crisis was indeed traumatic for South Korea.(亚洲危机确实给韩国造成了创伤。)
The condition is most often caused by a stroke or traumatic brain injury.(这种情况通常是由中风或创伤性脑损伤引起的。)
Distortion of balance is often a consequence of traumatic brain injury.(平衡失真往往是创伤性脑损伤带来的结果。)
Some people need to confront a traumatic past; others find it better to leave it alone.(一些人需要面对伤痕累累的过去;另一些人认为最好不管它。)
traumatic是什么意思 traumatic在线翻译 traumatic什么意思 traumatic的意思 traumatic的翻译 traumatic的解释 traumatic的发音 traumatic的同义词