英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:49:25



英 [ˈtɜ:bɪd]

美 [ˈtɜ:rbɪd]


副词: turbidly 名词: turbidness

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. (of liquids) clouded as with sediment

e.g. a cloudy liquid
muddy coffee
murky waters

Synonym: cloudymuddymirkymurky

1. turbid的解释

1. 浑浊的:tambourine小手鼓 | turbid浑浊的a | limpid清澈的

2. 混浊的:turbaned 戴头巾的 | turbid 混浊的 | turbidity 混浊

3. 烟雾腾腾的:tunneled walkway 隧道式人行道 | turbid 烟雾腾腾的 | turbine exhaust flame 涡轮泵装置排气火焰

4. 混乱的:turb浑浊(根) | turbid混乱的 | disturb扰乱

  • 经典引文

  • The turbid utterances and twisted language of Carlyle.

    出自:Edinburgh Review
A fisherman drags nets of oysters from the turbid river water on a breathless summer day.(一个渔民在喘不过气来的夏天从浑浊的河水里拖上了几网牡蛎。)
There are a lot of cancer-inducing materials in the turbid liquid. Don't use it.(悬浮液里有大量的致癌物质,不能使用。)
For two reasons, one is visibility is poor, and two they float better through turbid waters.(原因有两个,一个是能见度差,他们两个更好透过混浊浮水域。)
Food cooked with "Stem Cooker", does not become tough, burnt, turbid and they taste more delicious.(“原味锅”烹调食物,食物不老化、不焦皮、不浊汤,更加美味好吃。)
You say, how can we make this glass of turbid water clear?(你说,用什么办法可以让这杯浑水清澈起来呢?)
In contrast, glycogen obtaIned from muscle or liver disperses readily In hot water to make a turbid solution.(相反,从肌肉和肝脏中获得的糖原很容易分散在热水中,产生混浊不清的溶液。)
Dubbed "the black heart", the Angke River was dark, turbid and heavily clogged with rubbish before it was transformed.(印尼红溪河一度被称为黑色心脏,因为它曾经遭到严重的污染。)
Though I caught countless fish from the Tar's waters, I released them to their turbid home.(虽然我从沥青河里捉过不计其数的鱼,却总是把它们放回混浊的家。)
Tissue is a kind of turbid media.(生物组织是一种混浊介质。)
The turbid theory has broken through category of classic science and enriched potamology, so it will have a broad prospect of application.(浑沌理论突破了经典科学范畴,丰富了河流学,在生产实践中有广阔应用前景。)
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