英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 22:05:04



英 [ˈtʌrət]

美 [ˈtɜ:rət]



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1. a self-contained weapons platform housing guns and capable of rotation

Synonym: gun enclosuregun turret

2. a small tower extending above a building

1. 角楼;塔楼
A turret is a small narrow tower on top of a building or a larger tower.

2. (坦克、战舰等上的)回转炮塔,旋转枪架
The turret on a tank or warship is the part where the guns are fixed, which can be turned in any direction.

1. 转台:直线坐标位置运转型(VP-1):直线运动器,X-Y型桌面(Table)旋转坐标位置运转型(VP-2):坐标(Index),转台(turret)推-拉(Push-Pull)位置运转型(VP-4):压力控制,伸张控制拉力(Tension)控制运转型:绞车,绞线机

2. 台:可以增加专用功能根据客户的要求,提供多种选项(数字开关,触摸型装卸设备touchloader)直线坐标位置运转型(VP-1):直线运动器,X-Y型桌面(Table)旋转坐标位置运转型(VP-2):坐标(index),转台(turret)进料器和传感器后位置运行型(VP-3):压力控制,

3. turret

3. 调整钮:调整钮(turret) 资料 介绍调整钮(turret) 资料 介绍文章阅读次数:8ttt8.com网站告知,点这可复制此文章网址及名称:调整钮(turret) 资料 介绍

  • 经典引文

  • A..castle with four turrets and a crenellated parapet.

    出自:D. Sweetman
Possible USES put forward by the team include a battlefield ambulance or mobile gun turret.(研究小组提出的可能用途包括战场救护车或移动炮塔。)
Gnomish Flame Turret : Quickly constructs a gnomish flame turret at your feet that will nearly always attack nearby enemies.(侏儒火炮塔:在你脚下迅速制造一个侏儒火炮塔,它会攻击你附近的敌人。)
Jabba armed his barge with a large turret-mounted laser cannon, and with portable blaster cannons lining the upper deck rails.(贾巴用一门安装在大型炮塔上的激光炮武装他的游艇,在上层甲板护栏上还有一些便携式爆能炮。)
Our house has this turret you can't get into from inside.(我们这座房子有个角楼,从房子里面进不去。)
Here is the navigator's place in the turret.(炮塔系统中导航员位置。)
This turret provides highly accurate positioning of cameras.(这台镜头转台提供照相机的高精确度定位。)
M24 Chaffee - apart from slight re coloring of top turret, I haven't found any changes in visual or collision model.(M24霞飞——除了顶级炮塔颜色轻微的变化,视觉或碰撞模型没有发现任何的变化。)
“Have a good one, ” I shout at the turret as I leave for work.(“祝你们今天开心!”我出门上班时,冲着角楼喊道。)
It features ornate stonework, a turret and an auditorium with an openable rolling roof.(具有华丽的石雕,一个角楼和屋顶可开启的礼堂。)
The electric motors of the turret hummed.(炮塔的电动机嗡嗡叫。)
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