英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:52:33



英 [ˈtaɪpəʊ]

美 [ˈtaɪpoʊ]


名词复数: typos

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

  • 印刷工人
  • 排字工
  • 打字(排印)错误
  • 排印工人
  • 打字文稿的小错误
  • 打印错误
  • 排印上的错误
  • 打字排版错误
  • 迪波(音译名)



1. a mistake in printed matter resulting from mechanical failures of some kind

Synonym: misprinterratumtypographical errorliteral errorliteral

1. typo是什么意思

1. 印刷工:typist 打字员 | typo 印刷工 | typographer 印刷工人

2. 打字错误:turbid浑浊的 | typo打字错误 | tyro新手

3. 类型:typist 打字员 | typo- 类型 | typographer 排印工人

  • 经典引文

  • Since few proof-readers are perfect, a typo here and there is easily forgiven.

    出自:Times Literary Supplement
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Which of these would you rather have in your path when you make a typo on a CD command?(当您错误地键入一个cd命令时,您更希望当前路径中有哪一种实现呢?)
You can have a simple and delicate typo, a huge and strong one, you can also go colorful and crazy or light and smooth.(你既可选择简洁精致的字体、硕大有力的字体,也可采用多彩与怪诞的风格,或者添加光照与平滑。)
A typo in the element name in a match attribute.(match属性中的元素名打错了。)
"Is this a typo, or did the interview take place last year?"(这是一个拼写错误还是这个采访是去年的?)
For example, take the simple case of a typo in the destination URL.(例如,目的地url中一个印刷错误。)
Fat finger here refers to the act of performing a typo, often used when referring to password typos.(这里的“胖手指”指的是输入错误,通常用来指密码输入错误。)
Lisa found several typo mistakes she made when she collected the relationship data.(Lisa发现了几处在搜集关系数据时犯的拼写错误。)
It's a tongue typo when you trip over your words and accidentally call your friend Mike instead of by his actual name, Mark.(你说错话了,一不小心把你的朋友马克喊成迈克了,这就是口是心非说错话了。)
A simple typo gave Michael Ivey the idea for his company.(仅一个错误就启发了迈克尔·艾维(MichaelIvey),向公司提出了的新点子。)
Compile and run the sample parser program ccalc with the following input (which includes a slight typo).(使用下面的输入(其中稍微进行了排版)来编译并运行这个示例解析器程序ccalc。)
typo是什么意思 typo在线翻译 typo什么意思 typo的意思 typo的翻译 typo的解释 typo的发音 typo的同义词