英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:57:46



英 [dɪˈtektə(r)]

美 [dɪˈtɛktɚ]


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  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 发觉者
  • 探测器
  • 发现者
  • 检验器
  • 【无线电】【电视】检波器
  • 侦查器
  • 【化】检定器
  • 【电】检电器
  • 指示器
  • 侦察器
  • 检测器
  • 检出器
  • 检电器
  • 察觉者
  • 检波器
  • demodulator



1. any device that receives a signal or stimulus (as heat or pressure or light or motion etc.) and responds to it in a distinctive manner

Synonym: sensorsensing element

2. electronic equipment that detects the presence of radio signals or radioactivity

3. rectifier that extracts modulation from a radio carrier wave

Synonym: demodulator

1. 探测器;检测仪
A detector is an instrument which is used to discover that something is present somewhere, or to measure how much of something there is.

e.g. ...a metal detector.
e.g. ...fire alarms and smoke detectors.

1. 检测器:8、检测器:(Detector)能检测色谱柱流出组分及其量的变化的器件. 10、基线(Baseline)在正常操作条件下,仅有在起通过检测器系统时所产生的相应信号曲线. 11、基线漂移(BaselineDrift)基线随时间定向的缓慢的变化.

2. detector的意思

2. 探测器:适用于光电、光电仪表、光纤、手机摄像头(CMOS)等领域;如手机摄像头Lens固定,光纤耦合器(Coupler),激光器(Laser),跳线(Jamper),衰减器(Attenuator),探测器(Detector)等.

3. detector

3. 检波器:其接收部份与传统的 am 接收机相类似,只要将 am 检波器 (detector) 更换成 fm 鉴频器 (discriminator) 即可. 后级功率放大器须处理已调变讯号,讯号电压可能从载波 (carrier) 波幅的 0%,变化到 200%. 对於失真问题的考虑,

4. detector在线翻译

4. 检测系统:DNA合成反应会产生一系列由短至长的萤光标记DNA片段,这些DNA片段经平板胶电泳(agarose gel electrophoresis)或毛细管电泳capillaryelectrophoresis)程序被分离,接著萤光分子因雷射光的激发而放出萤光,此萤光信号被检测系统(detector)检测、记录而转读出

  • 经典引文

  • The keenest detector of the errors of his predecessors.

    出自:J. S. Mill
It will be the largest detector ever built.(它将是有史以来建造的最大的探测器。)
Solar cells supply the energy for this workpiece detector.(太阳能电池为工件探测器提供能源。)
Air terminals buildings adopt air supply tower, floor exhaust grillage and smoke exhausting skylight controlled by infrared detector.(候机楼采用了地面送风亭射流送风方式、地面排风方式及红外线对射探测器控制的排烟天窗。)
This detector looks for two types of problems.(这个检测器查找两类问题。)
If your smoke detector is working properly, the red light should be on.(如果你的烟雾探测器运作正常,红灯应当亮起。)
The Change detector is shown in Figure 4.(更改检测程序如图4中所示。)
The entry for 'polygraph' is cross-referred to the entry for 'lie detector'.(词条polygraph下注有指向词条liedetector的参照项。)
Do not cover or block your smoke detector in any way.(无论如何都不要盖住或阻塞你的烟雾探测器。)
"It's the smoke detector," they replied in unison.(“是烟雾探查器,”他们异口同声地说。)
Detector: Return value of method ignored.(检测器:忽略方法返回值。)
detector是什么意思 detector在线翻译 detector什么意思 detector的意思 detector的翻译 detector的解释 detector的发音 detector的同义词