英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:59:15



英 [ˈdi:viəs]

美 [ˈdiviəs]


副词: deviously 名词: deviousness

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  • 迂回的,曲折的 not going in the straightest or most direct way
  • 不光明正大的,不坦诚的,狡猾的 not direct and probably not completely honest


1. deviating from a straight course

e.g. a scenic but devious route
a long and circuitous journey by train and boat
a roundabout route avoided rush-hour traffic

Synonym: circuitousroundabout

2. indirect in departing from the accepted or proper way

e.g. used devious means to achieve success
gave oblique answers to direct questions
oblique political maneuvers

Synonym: oblique

3. characterized by insincerity or deceit

e.g. a devious character
shifty eyes

Synonym: shifty

1. 奸诈的;阴险的;狡猾的
If you describe someone as devious you do not like them because you think they are are dishonest and like to keep things secret, often in a complicated way.

e.g. Newman was devious, prepared to say one thing in print and another in private...
e.g. By devious means she tracked down the other woman.

...the deviousness of drug traffickers.

2. (路线或道路)曲折的,迂回的
A devious route or path to a place involves many changes in direction, rather than being as straight and direct as possible.

e.g. He followed a devious route.

1. 偏离正道的:detrimental 有害的 | devious 偏离正道的 | dishonorable 不光彩的

2. 不正直,有偏差的:deviate 离题,逸出正轨 | devious 不正直,有偏差的 | devote 奉献


3. 绕来绕去的,迂回曲折的:11. courtier 朝臣 | 12. devious 绕来绕去的,迂回曲折的 | 13. Sacrament 圣礼,圣事/餐

4. 迂回的:irrefutable 不可辩驳的 | devious 迂回的 | infiltrate 渗透

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • He's a devious,secret person and I don't trust him.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • These devious and untrodden ice-fields.

    出自:E. K. Kane
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

His devious nature was shown in half-lies and small dishonesties.(他不正直的天性表现在小谎话及细小的不诚实行为中。)
GORDON: that damned Cable and that devious Clarke!(戈登:那个可恶的凯布尔,那个奸诈的克拉克!)
The real challenge lies in unraveling his devious schemes and in deciphering his insidious puzzles.(真正的挑战在于揭露他那隐蔽的阴谋和破译潜伏的谜语。)
By devious means she tracked down the other woman.(她通过不正当的手段追查到了另外那个女人。)
Find a drug that breaks that bundle packet, and we could destroy these parasites' devious plans.(如果找到一种可以打破这个捆束的药物,我们就可以破坏寄生虫的如意算盘咯。)
Let's take the devious route home to avoid the crowds in the main roads.(为了避免大街上的拥挤,我们还是绕道回家去吧。)
But the latest variant - the "new and improved" Koobface - is even more devious than before.(不过它的最新变种——“改进”了的新Koobface——比以前更具欺骗性。)
The British can be awkward, selfish and devious players of the EU game.(你可以认为在欧盟各方的博弈中,英国人是棘手的、自私的、狡猾的。)
Some Western analysts like to issue caveats about devious, far-sighted Chinese strategy.(有些西方分析人士喜欢就中国的偏离行为和长期战略提出一些告诫。)
He whose walk is upright fears the Lord, but he whose ways are devious despises him.(行动正直的,敬畏耶和华;行事乖僻的,却藐视他。)
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