英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 15:58:04


英 [ˌɪntəˈfɪərɒn]

美 [ˌɪntərˈfɪrɑ:n]


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1. an antiviral protein produced by cells that have been invaded by a virus
inhibits replication of the virus

1. 干扰素:此外使用乾扰素(interferon)和介白质素(interleukin),均可引起免疫反应. 而使用疫苗所产生的免疫反应来对抗肿瘤的研究也正在进行当中,尤其是针对恶性黑色素瘤与肾细胞肿瘤(renal cell carcinoma). 另一方面,

2. interferon是什么意思

2. 滋扰素:penicillamine,和秋水仙素(colchicine)o 二氧化锌(Zinc Oxide)o 免疫疗法:如滋扰素(interferon)和转型细胞生长素(TGF-B)抑制剂等o 一种磨皮雷射分二氧化碳雷射和铒雅各布(Er-YAG)雷射,

3. interferon

3. 干扰素[抗病毒药]:Insulin Zinc Protamine 精蛋白锌胰岛素[降血糖药] | Interferon 干扰素[抗病毒药] | Intermedin 垂体中叶素[垂体激素类药]

4. 干扰素,系治 肝炎之方法之一:Immunization 免疫 | Interferon 干扰素,系治 肝炎之方法之一 | Angiogenesis inhibitor 血管生成抑制因子

So interferon can reduce virus to invade catch the disease that cause down to cures a disease.(所以,干扰素能减轻病毒侵染引起的疾病,以至治愈疾病。)
new drugs based on the interferon .(例如基于干扰素滴新药。)
I had to use ribavirin in combination with any interferon I used.(我不得不使用利巴韦林结合任何干扰素我用。)
A total of 454 patients underwent interferon therapy.(共454例患者接受干扰素治疗。)
Interferon (IFN) system is the first line of defense against virus invasion in vertebrate.(干扰素(IFN)系统是脊椎动物抵抗病毒入侵的第一道防御系统。)
Some patients with CD disease have improved with interferon treatment.(一些CD病人用过干扰素后有所改善。)
In healthy individuals, interferon is part of the complex immune response to combat danger.(在健康的人群中,干扰素是对抗危险的复杂免疫反应中的一部分。)
At this moment cell, can produce an interferon.(这时的细胞,便会产生出干扰素。)
It has been 25 years since researches discovered the natural virus - fighting substance known as interferon.(科学家发现,用干扰素作为一种天然抗病毒的物质至今已有25年了。)
Grubman and his colleagues introduced type I and type II interferon genes into an adenovirus, which they administered to groups of pigs.(格鲁曼和同事们把I型和II型干扰素基因转入一种腺病毒中,这种腺病毒是他们注射到多群猪中的。)
interferon是什么意思 interferon在线翻译 interferon什么意思 interferon的意思 interferon的翻译 interferon的解释 interferon的发音 interferon的同义词