英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 16:46:40



英 [rɪˈvaɪl]

美 [rɪˈvaɪl]


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副词: revilingly 名词: revilement 过去式: reviled 过去分词: reviled 现在分词: reviling 第三人称单数: reviles

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  • 痛斥
  • 谩骂
  • 辱骂
  • 诽谤
  • 斥责
  • 口出恶言
  • 谩骂者


1. spread negative information about

e.g. The Nazi propaganda vilified the Jews

Synonym: vilifyvituperaterail

1. 憎恨;辱骂;谩骂;痛斥
If someone or something is reviled, people hate them intensely or show their hatred of them.


e.g. He was just as feared and reviled as his tyrannical parents...
e.g. What right had the crowd to revile the England players for something they could not help...?

He is probably the most reviled man in contemporary theatre.

1. 斥责:reviewer 批评家 | revile 斥责 | revilement 辱骂

2. 辱骂:reverberate#回音 | revile#辱骂 | riddle#解谜;穿孔

3. revile是什么意思

3. 辱骂;谩骂;痛斥:reverse 收回(决定倒转 | revile 辱骂;谩骂;痛斥 | revoke 撤回;废除;宣告无效

4. 辱骂,斥责:imbed: 嵌入 | revile: 辱骂,斥责 | release: 发布,发表

  • 经典引文

  • He reviled heaven and earth when he saw his wife sinking from want.

    出自:H. Martineau
  • Molly..defended her mistress when she heard..others reviling her.

    出自:A. Seton
  • 近义词

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  • 临近词

What right had the crowd to revile the players for something they could not help?(观众有什么权力因为队员们无能为力的事情而谩骂他们?)
To fill the boredom and emptiness you have to revile and slander with even more stridency. Once those strident words leave your mouth your feeling of boredome and emptiness will increase.(每当谩骂、恶意中伤别人后,你一定会出现无所适从的空白、无聊和空虚,为了弥补这无聊的空虚,只好用更恶劣的语言去谩骂和中伤他人,越是恶劣的语言说出口之后,出现这种空虚和无聊就越严重。)
Acts 23:4 and those standing by said, Do you revile the high priest of God?(徒二三4站在旁边的人说,你辱骂神的大祭司么?)
No man should reproach, revile, or slander another man.(人都不应该羞辱,辱骂,或诽谤他人。)
To assail with contemptuous coarse or insulting words; revile.(辱骂,毁谤用蔑视、粗俗或侮辱性的话攻击;谩骂。)
Do not revile the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich in your bedroom, because a bird of the air may carry your words, and a bird on the wing may report what you say.(你不可咒诅君王,也不可心怀此念,在你卧室也不可咒诅富户,因为空中的鸟必传扬这声音;有翅膀的也必述说这事。)
He dared revile no seeming failure, not knowing but just that was the necessary link in the chain of accidents destined to bring him face to face with her.(他不惧失败地咒骂,却不明白那仅是一种必要的在一连串注定的不幸中能让他和她相见的联结。)
You know well that it is I whom he seeks to revile.(你清楚他蓄意咒骂的人就是我。)
Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake.(人若因我辱骂你们,逼迫你们,捏造各样的坏话毁谤你们,你们就有福了。)
The tramp revile the man who drive him off.(流浪汉辱骂那位赶他走开的人。)
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