英语单词分类 轻松记单词

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名词: sheller 过去式: shelled 过去分词: shelled 现在分词: shelling 第三人称单数: shells

  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 壳,外壳
  • 炮弹
  • 薄硬岩层
  • 壳状物
  • 骨架
  • 缄默
  • 轻快的赛艇
  • 有甲壳的软体动物
  • 锥形小啤酒杯
  • 轮廓,梗概
  • 猎枪子弹
  • 弹壳
  • 躯壳
  • 地壳
  • 贝壳
  • 壳体
  • 炮轰,炮击, 射击,轰击
  • 剥(玉米),为…去壳,剥落
  • 用贝壳铺,用介壳铺(路)
  • 成碎片落下,脱落
  • 脱壳,蜕壳,去壳
  • 由壳中剥出,从壳中拿出
  • 给...脱粒
  • 用壳体包被
  • 采集贝壳,拾贝壳
  • 给...装壳体
  • 外壳程序(协助用户从复杂的计算机操作系统中脱离出来的一种简单用户操作接口)
  • 连连得分
  • 地壳的
  • [C] [U] (贝、卵、坚果等的)壳 the hard outer covering of a shellfish,egg,nut,etc.
  • [C] 外壳,框架 an outer covering or frame work
  • [C] 炮弹 a metal case filled with explosives to be fired from a gun


1. hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles

Synonym: carapacecuticleshield

2. the hard largely calcareous covering of a mollusc or a brachiopod

3. a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)

Synonym: platescale

4. ammunition consisting of a cylindrical metal casing containing an explosive charge and a projectile
fired from a large gun

5. the housing or outer covering of something

e.g. the clock has a walnut case

Synonym: casecasing

6. a very light narrow racing boat

Synonym: racing shell

7. a rigid covering that envelops an object

e.g. the satellite is covered with a smooth shell of ice

8. the exterior covering of a bird's egg

Synonym: eggshell

9. the hard usually fibrous outer layer of some fruits especially nuts

10. the material that forms the hard outer covering of many animals


1. remove the husks from

e.g. husk corn

Synonym: husk

2. remove from its shell or outer covering

e.g. shell the legumes
shell mussels

3. come out better in a competition, race, or conflict

e.g. Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship
We beat the competition
Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game

Synonym: beatbeat outcrushtrouncevanquish

4. use explosives on

e.g. The enemy has been shelling us all day

Synonym: blast

5. look for and collect shells by the seashore

6. hit the pitches of hard and regularly

e.g. He shelled the pitcher for eight runs in the first inning

7. fall out of the pod or husk

e.g. The corn shelled

8. create by using explosives

e.g. blast a passage through the mountain

Synonym: blast

1. (蛋、坚果等的)壳
The shell of a nut or egg is the hard covering which surrounds it.

e.g. They cracked the nuts and removed their shells...
e.g. Once the eggs have hatched the shells are left behind.

2. (龟、蜗牛、蟹等的)壳
The shell of an animal such as a tortoise, snail, or crab is the hard protective covering that it has around its body or on its back.


3. 贝壳
Shells are hard objects found on beaches. They are usually pink, white, or brown and are the coverings which used to surround small sea creatures.


e.g. I collect shells and interesting seaside items.
e.g. ...sea shells.

4. 剥…的壳;去…的皮
If you shell nuts, peas, prawns, or other food, you remove their natural outer covering.

e.g. She shelled and ate a few nuts.
e.g. ...shelled prawns.

5. 自我封闭的外壳;保护壳
If someone comes out of their shell, they become more friendly and interested in other people and less quiet, shy, and reserved.


e.g. Her normally shy son had come out of his shell.
e.g. ...a lonely boy struggling to emerge from his shell.

6. (建筑物、车、船等的)骨架,框架,壳体
The shell of a building, boat, car, or other structure is the outside frame of it.

e.g. ...the shells of burned buildings...
e.g. The solid feel of the car's shell is impressive.

7. 炮弹
A shell is a weapon consisting of a metal container filled with explosives that can be fired from a large gun over long distances.

8. 炮轰;炮击
To shell a place means to fire explosive shells at it.

e.g. The rebels shelled the densely-populated suburbs near the port.

Out on the streets, the shelling continued.

相关词组:shell out

  • 相关词组

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

1. come out of one's shell : 不再羞怯;

  • Some shell can be used to hold water
  • After the fire,all that was left was the burned-out shell of the building.
  • A shell exploded right beside his office.
  • The whole vast shell of the firmament.

    出自:B. Taylor
  • Shelling peas into a dish.

  • The women who shell almonds.

    出自:E. B. Tylor
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 直接源自古英语的sciell,意为贝壳。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The shell surrounding the egg has many important functions.(包着蛋的外壳有很多重要功能。)
The shell somehow has to be broken down before this germination ability expires.(外壳必须在这种发芽能力失效之前被以某种方法破坏掉。)
If the shell turns black in the flame, death is not far away.(如果蛋壳在火焰中变成黑色,那么死亡就不远了。)
On the inside there's a seed with a hard shell.(在这里面有一颗有硬壳的种子。)
Many other processes may alter the shell of a clam or snail and enhance its chances for preservation.(许多其他的过程可能改变蛤蜊或蜗牛的外壳,增加其保存的可能性。)
Everywhere building facades are pitted with shell and bullet holes.(各处建筑物的正面都布满了炮弹孔。)
Many other processes may after the shell of a clam or snail and enhance its chances for preservation.(很多其它的过程可能会改变蛤蜊或者蜗牛的壳,增加它被保存下来的几率。)
We can only move slowly, so we need a shell to protect us.(我们只能慢慢地移动,所以我们需要一个壳来保护我们。)
Nut and Shell chattered about it from a cherry-tree.(“果仁”和“贝壳”在樱桃树上,叽叽喳喳地说这件事。)
At last, by good luck, he found a large empty snail-shell.(幸运的是,他最后找到了一个大的空蜗牛壳。)
shell是什么意思 shell在线翻译 shell什么意思 shell的意思 shell的翻译 shell的解释 shell的发音 shell的同义词