- guys
- prop
- vault
- buffalo
- accessible
- comedian
- improvise
- meaningfully
- psychologist
- admiration
- homeland
- swap
- gymnast
- adolescence
- settler
- confetti
- bridegroom
- handshake
- sled
- kayak
- aboriginal
- Maori
- headdress
- beret
- rand
- mountainous
- firewood
- vaccination
- well-loved
- stand-up
- laughter
- humour
- comedy
- make fun of
- response
- in response to
- reaction
- main
- observational
- make jokes about
- queue up
- physical
- impressionist
- humorous
- queue
- visual
- tennis
- stage
- actor
- academy
- little-known
- award
- routine
- live
- act
- toothbrush
- mirror
- outstanding
- lip
- appropriate
- silent
- silent film
- microphone
- howl
- soon after
- script
- amuse
- brain
- saying
- somehow
- vital
- entertainment
- enthusiastic
- super
- tough
- worthwhile
- crosstalk
- master
- foreigner
- take on
- initial
- move on
- dialogue
- in pairs
- skilled
- invisible
- bench
- setting
- courtyard
- shift
- cross
- for a while
- uncross
- notebook
- go on
- cosy
- annoyed
- crowded
- wander
- entire
- king
- throne
- majesty
- raise
- eyebrow
- re-enter
- official-looking
- stack
- paper
- dash
- bow
- fool
- tear
- chase
- emergency
- exit
- darling
- empty-handed
- a roll of
- burst
- burst in
- Your Highness
- shrug
- poster
- glare
- glare at
- hold out
- roll
- in hospital
- toilet paper
- injure
- struggle
- disability
- simply
- gymnastics
- tournament
- junior
- dedicated
- event
- cheer up
- energetic
- apart
- apart from
- devote
- devote oneself to
- rush
- specialist
- severe
- injury
- cheer
- in good spirits
- hopeless
- overcome
- disappointment
- accomplish
- adapt
- journalism
- disabled
- positive
- optimistic
- inspire
- courage
- admirable
- rebuild
- unbearable
- unfortunate
- sympathy
- across the world
- role model
- obey
- star
- arrange
- coach
- believe in
- allocate
- confused
- at that point
- whichever
- quit
- be tired of
- encouragement
- ahead of
- unhappy
- guidance
- golden
- in a rush
- worry
- rush
- independent
- innocent
- income
- accomplishment
- vivid
- hunger
- communicate
- workday
- guarantee
- assist
- automatic
- instant
- turkey
- maximum
- company
- minimum
- motivation
- difference
- mature
- secure
- accumulate
- native
- topic
- unbelievable
- yeah
- tradition
- accent
- celebration
- in celebration of
- chat room
- end-of-term
- wedding
- embarrassing
- newly-wed
- souvenir
- clarify
- banquet
- participate
- reception
- bride
- drum
- first finger
- thumb
- alcohol
- adjust
- royal
- log off
- analyse
- excitement
- misunderstand
- broken
- summary
- habit
- custom
- custom
- expectation
- nationality
- anyway
- youth
- wage
- overseas
- some day
- consultant
- approval
- ambition
- incident
- incident
- feast
- pepper
- take up
- give out
- sign
- proper
- procedure
- request
- hold up
- Tongan
- religion
- generally
- certain
- remark
- taboo
- body language
- upsetting
- interact
- greeting
- concern
- concerned
- in contact with
- slight
- palm
- shake
- shake hands
- business card
- equally
- ethnic
- tour
- minority
- Inuit
- arctic
- canoe
- seal
- the Arctic Circle
- igloo
- aborigine
- gathering
- take part in
- account
- bravery
- mask
- carve
- spirit
- owl
- claw
- wolf
- skull
- belief
- ancestral
- hunt for
- govern
- lizard
- musical
- musical instrument
- haka
- haka
- instrument
- didgeridoo
- weapon
- Polynesian
- boomerang
- meet with
- weave
- wrap
- steam
- oven
- kumara
- Indian
- belong to
- belong
- plain
- flat
- power
- have power over
- teepee
- Goodwill Ambassador
- peace
- peace pipe
- bow
- arrow
- retell
- roast
- refer
- ambassador
- operate
- co-operate
- honour
- take on
- touch
- charter
- purpose
- peacekeeping
- conflict
- operation
- labour
- draw
- worthy
- voluntary
- press
- awareness
- sum
- fund
- under the umbrella of
- urgent
- lack
- poverty
- businesswoman
- set out
- apart from
- in behalf of
- earthquake
- typhoon
- civilian
- remote
- if only
- conscience
- third world
- reference
- funding
- face
- precious
- remind
- aspect
- charity
- collection
- border
- expense
- somewhat
- primitive
- source
- fuel
- well
- charcoal
- pump
- container
- fetch
- break down
- hardship
- basic
- roof
- occupation
- force
- malnutrition
- farm
- in chaos
- protein
- commitment
- means
- flee
- chaos
- unusable
- famine
- measles
- bullet
- die from
- water-borne
- outbreak
- malaria
- typhoid
- from place to place
- colleague
- vacant
- temporary
- clinic
- medication
- get hold of
- diabetes
- minor
- cut
- heal
- bacteria
- meanwhile
- shelter
- remind somebody of
- staff
- comfort
- think back to
- barrier
- make a difference
- individual